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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

Conservative Party of BC Leader John Rustad Blasts NDP’s Catastrophic Mismanagement of BC’s Forestry Sector


David Eby and the BC NDP have gutted our forestry sector, leaving communities and workers behind. The BC Conservatives have a clear plan to restore our forests, support our workers, and ensure a sustainable future for BC’s forestry industry.” - John Rustad, Leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia



John Rustad, Leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia, today condemned Premier David Eby and the NDP for their continued decimation of the province’s once-thriving forestry sector, accusing the government of anti-forestry policies that have devastated workers, families, and communities across British Columbia.

“Under the NDP, BC’s forest sector is in freefall. Nine major sawmills have closed in the past 18 months, and contractors and businesses are fleeing the province,” said Rustad. “Forestry isn’t just an industry—it’s the backbone of our province, supporting communities, families, and our economy. The NDP’s hostility towards this vital sector shows contempt for rural British Columbians, who are disproportionately harmed by this deindustrialization.”

Rustad emphasized that Conservative Party of BC is committed to revitalizing the forestry sector, restoring jobs, and enhancing biodiversity. The party plans to provide certainty to the sector by defining areas for primary forest product harvests and conservation. This balanced approach will safeguard BC’s ecological values while ensuring a sustainable and competitive future for forestry.

Key initiatives proposed by the Conservative Party of British Columbia include:

  1. Certainty for BC’s Forest Sector: Approximately 64% of BC’s land is forested, and the Conservative Party of British Columbia will ensure that nearly two-thirds of this area remains untouched by industrial activity. The remaining forested landscape will be managed for sustainable timber production while enhancing biodiversity. This strategy will help stabilize the supply chain and provide clear guidelines for sustainable forest management, creating a balance between economic needs and ecological preservation.

  2. Modernizing Stumpage: The current stumpage system is outdated, rigid, and disconnected from market realities, which has contributed to mill closures and lost jobs. The Conservative Party of British Columbia proposes replacing it with a value-added end product tax that adjusts dynamically with market conditions. This change will encourage higher-value production, reduce waste, and provide financial incentives for companies to innovate, thereby creating more jobs and extracting more value from each harvested tree.
  3. One Project, One Permit: Navigating the complex web of permits in BC’s forestry sector is slow, costly, and fraught with bureaucratic red tape. The Conservative Party of British Columbia will streamline the permitting process with a “One Project, One Permit” policy to reduce administrative burdens and costs. This reform will facilitate faster approvals, improve communication among stakeholders, and make BC’s forest sector more attractive to investors.

  4. Enhancing Biodiversity: Conservation is a core value for the Conservative Party of British Columbia, who plan to define specific areas dedicated to biodiversity where forestry activities will be secondary. This approach will maintain the ecological integrity of BC’s forests while allowing selective, responsible harvesting that aligns with conservation goals. The party will also prioritize the use of selective logging and other sustainable practices to support forest health and wildlife habitats.

  5. Wildfire Management: Wildfires pose a significant threat to BC’s forests, communities, and economy. The Conservative Party of British Columbia will reintroduce controlled burns and other preventative measures to reduce wildfire risks. By focusing on selective logging, fuel load management, and diversifying tree species, the party aims to create healthier forest landscapes that are more resistant to catastrophic fires. Investment in new technologies and local community training will also strengthen BC’s wildfire response capabilities.

  6. Labour and Contractor Support: The Conservative Party of British Columbia is committed to supporting forestry workers and contractors through the sector’s revival. Short-term measures, including emergency supports and training programs, will help workers remain in the industry during challenging times. As the sector rebounds, the government will invest in workforce development, creating expanded opportunities and ensuring the next generation of British Columbians can build careers in the forestry sector.

  7. Competitiveness: BC is currently the highest-cost jurisdiction for forestry in North America, driving jobs away. The BC Conservatives will conduct a comprehensive review of all factors contributing to these high costs, including regulatory burdens and unnecessary red tape. By making the sector more competitive, the party aims to ensure that BC’s forestry industry can ship products—not jobs—across Canada and beyond.

  8. Valuing All Fibre: The Conservative Party of British Columbia will shift from a sawlog-focused annual allowable cut (AAC) to a broader fibre AAC, recognizing the value of all tree products, including those used for pellets and power generation. This change will reduce waste and enhance the sector’s sustainability by utilizing every part of harvested trees, creating new revenue streams and maximizing economic returns from BC’s forests.

  9. Landscape Management: To better manage forest health and reduce wildfire risks, the BC Conservatives will update BC’s landscape management practices. These enhancements will focus on restoring fire-damaged areas, increasing the use of diverse species to improve resilience, and stopping harmful practices like aerial glyphosate spraying. The goal is to restore BC’s forests to a natural, healthy state, benefitting both the environment and the communities that depend on them.

“David Eby and the BC NDP have gutted our forestry sector, leaving communities and workers behind,” Rustad concluded. “The Conservative Party of British Columbia has a clear plan to restore our forests, support our workers, and ensure a sustainable future for BC’s forestry industry.” 




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