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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

Job Creation -- Fiscal Responsibility -- and a Social Conscience ... all things which can, and should, be an easy fit

The beauty of having Google Alerts set in place, for things relating BC Politics, is that I will often times get notices on stories that I may not otherwise have come across. 

Such was the case this morning, as I received a notification regarding an editorial in the Victoria Times Colonist entitled, "BC Liberals Face New Reality"  

In it, the writer of the editorial stated, "Most voters can say where the NDP and Greens stand on raising the minimum wage, increasing income assistance, subsidizing child care or strengthening public education. These are all key planks of a centre-left platform."

Not Left -- Not Right -- the future of BC needs to be a meeting
of ideas that will create well-paying jobs, a safe environment
and look after the needs of all members & segments of society
No problem there -- most would agree with that -- however I would also add they are NOT keen on raising the hackles of their base by approving industrial, resource, and similar projects.  Not with their support firmly settled in the large metro area of the lower mainland ... and on Vancouver Island ... the younger, greener, anti-traditional job creation projects people. 

Green-lighting those kinds of projects will have their supporters screaming the NDP have abandoned their principles.  Strange really, because those job creators had previously been the traditional power base for the NDP.

Setting that aside, let's get back to the BC Liberal Party, and where they go now that Christy Clark has quit as both leader of the party -- and as the MLA for Kelowna -- Westside residents.

Again going back the editorial, it states that for the BC Liberals:
The challenge lies in shifting some longstanding mindsets. The Liberals must find ways to make a more activist program acceptable to their base.

It should not, in principle, be hard to support strengthening the social safety net. The case for investing in education and skill training is likewise easy to make. And who disagrees with the need for more affordable housing, or the urgency of combating homelessness and drug abuse?

The difficulty lies in reconciling these projects with a party philosophy grounded in personal responsibility and small government. No simple matter.

Darn right that's going to be a difficulty for them!  For the BC Liberals, it has always been difficult to understand what they stood for -- other than the fact the weren't the NDP ... and they were the only way to keep the demon socialists out of power. 

They have tacked both left, and right, although mostly left.  And pinning them down on anything is pretty much near impossible.

Who CAN however, potentially fit in smoothly with what the writer is suggesting?  In my opinion, it could be the BC Conservative Party.

I have long stated I believe small "c" conservatives are of a mindset that the resources of taxpayers MUST BE used wisely ... and that TRUE balanced budgets are essential to good government.

And why is that?  Because it then means they can then also be socially responsible!

IF the economy is running well across the board, and businesses are making good money, there should be no problem with well thought out and planned increases to the minimum wage.

The safety net for those truly in need, should be a given for a society with a sense of what is right, and what is wrong.

To ensure the economy runs well, not just with people for the next generation of new technology -- but also the resource based economy -- WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would argue with investing in education throughout grade schools, high schools, universities, technology, and trade schools?

The solutions in this editorial piece could, and should, be an easy fit for the BC Conservative Party to stand up and proudly claim as their own. 

They are neither right or left wing.  Instead, they are simply common sense ... and that more than anything else is what BC needs!

Job Creation -- Fiscal Responsibility -- and a Social Conscience.  All things which can, and should, be an easier fit for the BC Conservative Party, than with any other.

BC Liberals, waffling both left and right, will always have a hard time understanding the simplicity of a straight forward idea.  Which is why they swing left, then right, and then left again, depending on which way the wind blows.

What say you?  Your thoughts?

In Kamloops ... I'm Alan Forseth.


  1. Posted on

    Opportunity knocks for BC Liberals to undergo a total rebuild

    (July 27, 2017) - In sports parlance, Christy Clark borrowed a page from the Vancouver Canucks on Thursday, paving the way for a rebuild of the B.C. Liberal Party.

    Like the Canucks, they are strong on the left wing, but a noticeable weakness at centre and right wing.

    How much and how soon is now in the hands of the party brass. They can set the process in motion to simply select a new leader and stay on the same course – or they can do some serious soul-searching to assess where they are and where they are headed.

    In recent years the party has been Liberal in both name and practice. This is an opportunity to rebrand, including a name change to create a new image. Nothing like trotting out the team in new uniforms.

    The rebuild has to include a new direction, moving to a more centrist philosophy to replace Clark’s ingrained Liberalism. Another serving of the same old, same old in the next election is not likely to hold any appeal for the voters who abandoned the party in the last election.

    That may be a tall order for the limited time available, what with the tenuous hold on power of the NDP government, relying on the support of a three-member splinter group Green Party. On top of that, there’s nothing stopping Premier John Horgan from calling a snap election when he thinks is a good time to pounce, when the opposition is most vulnerable. The B.C. Liberals are the most vulnerable they have been for some time and will continue to be until they make some serious progress on their rebuild.

    By stepping aside now Clark is giving the party a chance to come up with something different to appeal to the voters in the next election, whenever that may come.


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