A major project by the City of Kamloops on Highland Road between Valleyview arena and the highway, is now well underway. This project includes the installation of new water and sewer mains, installation of a new sidewalk from the highway to Valleyview Drive, along with repaving at the bottom of Highland up to the arena as well as on Flamingo Road – it’s all much needed work. One so-called improvement, however, just doesn’t make sense and that’s the plan to install traffic signals at the intersection of Highland and Valleyview Drive. While I’m no technical engineer when it comes to road design, as a thirty-year resident of Juniper Ridge, I think I have a fairly good grasp of how well that intersection currently works – and it works just fine, thank you very much. Despite that, the City of Kamloops traffic / engineering department has decided this intersection is in desperate need of a traffic light. According to an individual in the know (let’s call them Bill), the decision date...
A discussion on political, economic and social issues in British Columbia, and Canada