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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

Brennan Day -- Victoria needs leaders willing to roll up their sleeves and push for real, meaningful change

While Kevin Falcon flounders, John Rustad and the Conservative Party of BC have been clear from the beginning—focused on affordability, public safety, and rebuilding our healthcare system to serve the needs of British Columbians.

The problem is clear, and so is the solution.

Under David Eby’s NDP, drug users are being warehoused alongside seniors in care homes, cancer patients are forced to seek private care across the border, and rent has doubled. Unsurprisingly, half of British Columbians aged 18-34, and 2 in 5 of those aged 35-54, are considering leaving the province because they can no longer afford to live in the NDP’s broken welfare state.

Enough is enough.

We need to reform our healthcare system by cutting the bureaucratic bloat and ensuring that resources are directed to front-line care and patient outcomes. Instead of expanding layers of administration, we need to invest in doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals who are actually delivering the care British Columbians deserve. Our healthcare system should prioritize patients, not communications directors hired to spin the failures of this government.

Public safety is another key issue that has been neglected for far too long. We need bold reforms that get prolific offenders off our streets and ensure they face real consequences for their actions. The current bail system is broken and must be fixed to keep dangerous individuals in custody, not cycling back into our communities. Sentencing reform is crucial to ensuring that justice is served, and those who pose a risk to public safety are kept in facilities that can manage both their healthcare needs and the safety of the public. This isn’t just about tougher laws—it’s about smarter ones.

At the same time, we need to ensure that the most vulnerable among us are properly diverted into tiered institutional care, giving them a real chance at long-term recovery. Public safety begins with a justice system that works in tandem with a healthcare system that can handle complex cases. It’s time to admit that the NDP’s approach has been neither compassionate nor effective, and take the difficult steps needed to fix it.

Affordability is at the heart of our platform. We must reduce the tax burden on families, small businesses, and individuals across the province.

The NDP’s approach of taxing and spending their way out of every problem is unsustainable. Instead, we need a government that gets out of the way of hardworking British Columbians, allowing them to thrive and innovate. We believe in unleashing the full potential of our province’s economy by reducing unnecessary regulations, cutting wasteful spending, and lowering taxes to let people get ahead—not just get by.

When the far-left NDP asks, "What programs are you going to cut?" we need to turn the question back on them: "What do you have left to tax?"

Hardworking British Columbians cannot continue to shoulder bloated, inefficient government budgets on the backs of their children’s futures.

Victoria doesn’t need more politicians who are in it for the photo ops. It needs leaders willing to roll up their sleeves and push for real, meaningful change.

There is only one party in the position to see us wave goodbye to the Eby NDP and bring back prosperity to our province.

This October 19th, join me and the Conservative Party of BC in saying "enough" to the broken status quo.

It’s time to demand better.

Brennan Day is the Conservative Party of BC candidate for Comox Valley. To get involved in his campaign head over to or email to volunteer, donate, or request a lawn sign.


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