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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

GIESBRECHT -- Harm reduction strategies should be part of a broader more holistic strategy


The ongoing debate surrounding British Columbia’s approach to drug addiction treatment, particularly its emphasis on harm reduction, has become increasingly contentious. While proponents of harm reduction argue  it aims to minimize the negative consequences of drug use without necessarily requiring abstinence—through measures like safe injection sites and the provision of safe supply drugs such as prescription heroin— this strategy is clearly falling short.

The alarming statistics speak for themselves with overdose deaths in B.C. skyrocketing from around 200 per year in the early 2000s to over 2,500 in 2023. This troubling trend suggests harm reduction alone is not sufficient to address the growing opioid crisis. Despite the extensive implementation of harm reduction policies, the continued rise in overdose deaths indicates these measures may not adequately tackle the root causes of addiction or provide a clear path to recovery.

The absolute failure of the so-called ‘safe supply’ needs to be curtailed immediately. The NDP and Dr. Bonnie Henry’s own reports likened the program to ‘handing out cash to users’— of course the David Eby government attempted to bury this report.

Moreover, some critics argue that while harm reduction strategies prevent certain immediate harms, these strategies inadvertently perpetuate addiction by not placing enough emphasis on treatment and recovery.

There is a growing call for a full four pillars approach that integrates harm reduction with robust addiction treatment services, prevention programs and giving police effective tools to actually make an impact.

We are nearly a decade into this crisis and are still not taking a comprehensive approach. Such a comprehensive strategy could more effectively address both the immediate risks of drug use and the long-term goal of helping individuals achieve recovery and reintegration into society.

While harm reduction plays a crucial role in preventing deaths and managing public health, it should be part of a broader, more holistic strategy that includes prevention, treatment, and recovery services. Without this balance, the risks perpetuating the cycle of addiction and overdose deaths continue.



Dennis Giesbrecht is the Conservative Party of BC candidate for Kamloops North Thompson.



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