Lost jobs equals decreased population, equals reduced services, equals closed businesses, equals closed schools
The latest from the BC government says that it is, " ... seeking public input on rural education as part of a strategy being created by Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Education Linda Larson to better understand the needs of students, parents, schools and communities in rural BC ... " I guess the biggest need would be to actually keep schools, in rural communities, open. Problem is however, that the government has failed, miserably, to provide the supports and structure rural communities need, as well as failing to have resource development approved to ensure long-term, and increased employment, in rural British Columbia. In key sectors, for rural and small town BC, job losses have been dramatic (BC Stats Earnings and Employment Trends - October 2016): Agriculture ... down 33% since 2006 Forestry and Logging ... down 19% since 2007 Fishing, Hunting and Trapping down 31% since 2007 Lost jobs equals decreased populati...