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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker


Well … here’s one more post from me, with one day to go before tomorrow’s 42nd General Election.  Two things caught my attention as I perused social media feeds this morning, and that’s what I’ve chosen to comment on as I have my second cup of coffee for the day.

Number one:

An interesting photo from Adam Scotti caught my attention.  It’s designed to tug on our emotions, is being widely reposted on Twitter. The caption on the Twitter post states, "At Jarry metro today with @JustinTrudeau - a broken escalator makes it hard for some to get to their metro #cdnpoli "

I am of the opinion that random acts of kindness are better done in silence, without blowing your own horn. Is this sour grapes from me because I don't support the Liberals? No, not at all.

Here's what people should know, and that they won't, unless they investigate who Adam Scotti is. His Twitter bio states he is a "Recovering women's fashion mag editor, currently working for @justintrudeau's office. Photographer. Advisor"

YUP ... “currently working for Justin Trudeau”.

Whether it was a set-up photo op or not, it is still being promoted in a way that is not honest, and it is misleading in that we think it’s just some passerby that caught the moment.  In other words it’s a lie ... SHAME

Number Two:

Dale Bass, a news writer and editorialist from Kamloops this Week re-posted the following comment on Facebook late yesterday:

The Conservative Party of Canada has bought out the front page of newspapers across the country and replaced them with an ad **made to look like it's coming directly from Elections Canada**, warning Canadians not to vote Liberal or NDP...

This isn't just campaigning. This is deceit. I'm livid that this is what Canada's leadership has been reduced to. No tact. Shameful. Un-Canadian.

I'm ashamed that our leadership continues to stoop lower than I ever thought possible.

What followed, of course, was a back and forth decision that included responses from myself, and others:

ME:  It's an ad. What does it have to do with Elections Canada?  Just like ANY OTHER ad, it WILL BE identified as being paid for the Conservative Party. This is little more than whining individuals suffering from HDS

Deborah Jones-Kennedy:
There were never ads on the front pages of newspapers, before complacent Canadians allowed their information media to be captured by a small cabal of extremely wealthy men who use it like toys. Canada has the developed world's most concentrated ownersh
ip of media.
Journalism is an extension of education. Imagine if any advertiser could set the curriculum of lessons. If this trend continues Kelloggs would put ads for sugary cereals in health class. The Saudis, who are Canada's biggest customers for weapons, would have ads in books about the Middle East praising their way of life and religious fundamentalism
ME:  Well even our local paper, Kamloops This Week has ad wrappers on their paper. Nothing in my opinion is confusing about that; it’s simply advertising like anything else inside the newspapers. It’s what pays to have the employees create what we get.

at said, you still haven't answered the question I asked ... how does this wrapper have anything to do with people somehow believing its Elections Canada telling you to vote Conservative?  This original post is just more scare mongering from the left, plain and simple. There is absolutely NO basis in fact!

Ernie Ware:  I don't know why people are surprised. Most media is controlled by a tiny handful of people who support the conservatives. Maybe this will help you wake up and realize that you are being spoon-fed lies and bullshit.

ME:  Ernie, you are surprised the newspapers would accept advertising, and that it is as you say, and I quote, "spoon-fed lies and bullshit”??

That being the case, all ads would be such, including those from ALL political parties including the darlings of
some reporters -- the Liberals, and NDP.

I was in advertising for years, and I know it is created to influence the public to make a choice, the choice being put forward by the advertisers. Ads run from similar advertisers (IE: competing auto manufacturers, cereals companies, cleaning products, etc, etc)

All are designed to impact and affect our emotions. We consumers (and voters) can either choose to be sucked in and accept what is presented hook line and sinker -- OR -- we can take a moment to investigate what is presented, and filter out truth from fiction (or manipulation)

There were other comments of course, however the ones noted above give the best idea of the thoughts of myself and others.

I guess for me, the bottom line is that people -– from all sides of the political spectrum -- foist un-quantified / miss-leading blanket statements out to the public, on social media, that have no basis in fact. 

It is up to each one of us to sift through the BS, and find for ourselves what the truth is, and then decide which political party best meets with our own belief system.  For me personally there has been no confusion.

I believe the Conservative Party, led by Stephen Harper, provides Canadians with the best opportunity for job growth, a strong economy, a taxation plan that takes the least possible from us, and gives us the best opportunities for ourselves and future generations.

It considers, and finds ways to put programs in place to give a hand up, not a hand-out … it supports and works with other countries to protect innocent victims of raging lunatics, murders, and thugs who are making war on innocent men, women, and children … and it believes that victims of crime should take precedent over criminals. 

Both Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair have promised BILLIONS in spending to buy the votes of ill-informed Canadians. 

Justin Trudeau goes even further claiming 9 out of 10 Canadians will benefit from this spending frenzy.  HOW CAN THAT BE POSSIBLE without either lies and deceit – or saddling the future of our children and grandchildren with debt of massive proportions?

Some from the left leaning side of the political spectrum would have us believe that Stephen Harper is little more than a robotic Vulcan.  Well, he never claimed to be (or have) a sparkling / dazzling personality.  He is what we need, a leader that governs with both facts – and compassion – to the needs of Canadians.

I’ve already voted, and my ballot was cast for my Conservative candidate in Kamloops Cariboo … Cathy McLeod. 

I encourage you to step forward on election days and do the same.  BUT … if you cannot cast your vote for the Conservatives, get out and exercise your democratic right by casting an educated vote based on fact – not hyperbole, exaggerations, and outright lies.

I’m Alan Forseth in Kamloops, and that’s a bit of this and that.


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