BC GREEN PARTY: “New Politics for BC” is a series of conversations focusing on our story and how we will share it with British Columbians
We are facing what Thomas Homer-Dixon refers to as a “polycrisis”; i.e. the simultaneous occurrence of several catastrophic events. Examples of such events include global warming, COVID, the energy crisis, and the war in Ukraine; and the existential threat to humanity created by pushing the planet's ecological systems to their limit.
These global events are piled on top of, and inextricably linked to BC’s challenges with increasing levels of poverty; housing and food insecurity; the opioid/mental health and addictions crisis; and, increasing violent and hate related crime.
But, our divisive and confrontational political system is anchored to a flawed economic paradigm and stuck in a cycle of policies that are not only ill-equipped to address these multiple challenges, but are actually exacerbating the situation.
We need a new way of doing politics in BC, one that tells a different story about our future and how we are going to get there. A “New Politics for BC” is a series of conversations focusing on our story and how we will share it with British Columbians ...
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