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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

Conservative Candidates Dennis Giesbrecht and Ward Stamer Slam NDP for Kamloops’ Skyrocketing Crime Rate

“Under the NDP’s watch, Kamloops has become the crime capital of Canada. This is a direct result of their neglect and inadequate policies. It’s time for a change in leadership that prioritizes the safety and security of our residents.” ~~ Ward Stamer, Conservative Party of BC candidate for Kamloops - North Thompson

July 26, Kamloops, BC: Conservative Party of British Columbia candidates Dennis Giesbrecht (Kamloops Centre) and Ward Stamer (Kamloops-North Thompson) are addressing the alarming statistics released by Statistics Canada, which reveal that Kamloops had the highest crime rate in the country last year. This pressing issue highlights the urgent need for stronger leadership and more effective crime prevention strategies.

Kamloops Crime Rate: A Call for Immediate Action

The latest report from Statistics Canada indicates that Kamloops has experienced a significant rise in crime, leading the nation in crime rate statistics. This surge in criminal activity has left residents feeling unsafe and underscores the necessity for immediate and decisive action to address public safety concerns.

Dennis Giesbrecht on Crime and Leadership Failures

“This is no surprise to anyone paying attention. The decline has been swift and obvious,” said Dennis Giesbrecht. “The NDP have downloaded so many issues onto local governments. The result was predictable. Unfortunately, since so many crimes go unreported, this is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Kamloops residents deserve to feel safe in their homes and communities. The current situation is unacceptable, and it’s clear that the policies of the NDP government have failed to keep our community secure. We need a comprehensive approach to tackle crime and restore safety.”

Ward Stamer on the NDP’s Neglect

“Again, another example of the NDP letting the people of Kamloops down. Not being there for us, not addressing our concerns, not providing the resources we all desperately need in our communities,” stated Ward Stamer. “It’s not just a policing issue. It’s an everything issue. Together we can change this. Under the NDP’s watch, Kamloops has become the crime capital of Canada. This is a direct result of their neglect and inadequate policies. It’s time for a change in leadership that prioritizes the safety and security of our residents.”

A Conservative Plan for Crime Reduction

Dennis Giesbrecht and Ward Stamer are committed to implementing a robust plan to reduce crime and enhance public safety in Kamloops. Their approach includes:


  1. Increased Support for Law Enforcement: Ensure that police forces have the resources and support they need to effectively combat crime and protect the community.
  2.  Tougher Sentences for Repeat Offenders: Advocate for stricter penalties for repeat offenders to deter criminal activity and keep dangerous individuals off the streets.
  3.  Mental Health and Addiction Services: Expand access to mental health and addiction services to address the root causes of crime and support rehabilitation efforts.

Restoring Confidence and Safety

The Conservative Party of British Columbia is dedicated to restoring confidence and safety in Kamloops. By addressing the root causes of crime and supporting law enforcement, Dennis Giesbrecht and Ward Stamer aim to make Kamloops a safer place to live, work, and raise a family.

“Kamloops has immense potential, but we need a secure environment to thrive,” Giesbrecht emphasized. “With the right leadership and policies, we can turn the tide on crime and create a community where everyone feels safe.”

A Call for Change

Ward Stamer added, “The people of Kamloops deserve better. They deserve a government that listens to their concerns and takes decisive action to protect them. The Conservative Party of British Columbia is committed to delivering that change.”


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