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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

Patients First: John Rustad Announces Bold New Plan to Put Patients First in British Columbia’s Healthcare System

Our system is collapsing. Throwing more money at this problem won’t solve it. We need to start putting
Patients First through a new healthcare model”  - John Rustad, Leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia


Today, John Rustad, Leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia, unveiled a comprehensive plan to overhaul the province’s healthcare system, ensuring that patients are placed at the forefront of care. The proposed reforms aim to expand access, reduce wait times, and support frontline staff while creating a transparent and accountable system.

“Our healthcare system is in crisis, and it’s time for a change,” Rustad stated. “British Columbians deserve timely access to quality care without the endless waits and bureaucratic red tape. Our plan puts patients first, ensuring they receive the care they need when they need it.”


Key Components of the Plan include:

1. The New ‘Patients First’ Healthcare Model

We spend over 11% of our GDP on healthcare — more than 27 comparable other countries. Yet among OECD countries, we are 25th of 26 in acute care beds/1000 population, 26th of 28 in MDs, 14th of 24 in nurses and 21st of 24 in MRI scanners. 

Our Healthcare model no longer works, especially when compared to countless other countries in the world, particularly European countries. 

  • The New ‘Patients First’ Model: Universal healthcare for everyone under a single-payer system that delivers care through both public and non-governmental facilities.


2. Expanding Access to Care and Ending Long Wait Times

  • Patients First: Wait Time Guarantee: Implement a Patient-Based Funding Model, giving patients the choice to access care sooner.
  • Direct Funding to the Front-Lines: Germany has twice the population of Canada, yet we have 10 times as many health administrators. We will reduce red tape and direct funding to patients delivered by the  front lines where it matters most. This includes Increasing hiring of nurses, doctors, specialists, and other healthcare professionals.


3. Stopping ER Closures

  • Hire Back Thousands of Health Care Workers: Reinstate healthcare workers who are currently out-of-work due to personal health care decisions.
  • Reward Rural & Remote Health Care Staff: Expand programs to incentivize doctors and nurses to work in high-need communities.


4. Protecting and Supporting Front Line Staff

  • Zero-Tolerance Policy on Illicit Drug Use in Hospitals: Part of our larger plan to recriminalize hard drugs, we will be increasing security to prevent illicit drug use in emergency rooms and hospitals.
  • Reduce Administrative Burden: In addition to eliminating excess administration, we will Implement modern tools and technologies to allow healthcare providers more time with patients.
  • Repeal the Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill C-36): Remove ideology and political control imposed by the NDP.


5. Creating a Modern, Transparent, and Accountable BC Healthcare System

  • Transparent Reporting on Health Care Data & Patient Outcomes: Establish a mandate for transparent data in the efficacies of the healthcare system.
  • Health Services Performance Review: Greater reporting on administrative cost, savings and services. These include government and non-government delivered services.
  • Update & Modernize Healthcare Technology: Implement new technologies such as telehealth and digital diagnostic tools to reduce wait times and improve care.


“CIHI data shows that wait times for priority surgery procedures have worsened over the past decade under the current government and over 180 ER closures have been reported throughout BC in 2024 alone,” Rustad continued. “This is simply unacceptable. British Columbians deserve better. We must act now to stop this trend and ensure our emergency rooms remain open and accessible to everyone”.

Rustad then decried the state of working conditions for BC healthcare workers, “we have a situation where 71% percent of BC nurses report feeling unsafe in their working environment. This is driving valuable staff away from the profession. We need to protect and support our front-line staff to retain and attract healthcare professionals.”

“Our healthcare professionals are overworked, and our patients are underserved,” Rustad concluded. “By putting patients first and supporting our frontline workers, we can build a healthcare system that is modern, efficient, and truly serves the people of British Columbia. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business says that reducing administrative burdens could facilitate 5.5 million more patient visits per year. It’s clear that we need a more transparent and accountable healthcare system that prioritizes patient care over bureaucracy.”


  1. Thank you John Rustad!

  2. It will be a fabulous breath of fresh air if even some of these can be implemented. This one sentence explains a large portion of the problem: "Germany has twice the population of Canada, yet we have 10 times as many health administrators. "


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