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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

BEN BESLER: BC Liberals Cutting the Last Cord, of a Well Grounded Coalition, For Want of the Flashy New Green Look

I can be pragmatic, at times.

I can compromise for the greater good.

I can restrict my social views to the federal arena, for the greater good of a unified province.

I can even allow for give-and-take and bend on taxation policies.   

BUT ...

... when you aggravate business in the way you bring in family day, for example (not that I’m opposed to family day)

... when you fumble the HST because you made it about a tax grab and not specifically the reduction of red tape

... when you increase minimum wage in a way that shocks the alleged free-market (increasing to extreme measures to the highest in the country at the time)

... when gas taxes are duplicitous and nothing is done to offer relief

... when you jump to extremist actions, and implement the Stephane Dion Carbon Tax demise in a quest to tax everything

... when you say you are a party that says they can get to yes; yet, you sit on your laurels and point fingers at what the others are doing wrong, instead of what you will do right (sounding too smart for your own good) especially in regards to the much needed Trans Mountain pipeline

BC Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson
... when you are unable to take a hard stand FOR energy infrastructure and say, "When elected, WE WILL get it built!”

Well, then you’re cutting the last cord, of a well grounded coalition, for want of the flashy new Green look.

Andrew Wilkinson’s inability to take a strong stance on energy infrastructure (in order to court the Green vote) ...  while at the same time claiming to lead a liberal conservative coalition ... is like cheating on your wife by taking up a mistress.  It's time to man up and choose.   

For us however, if we choose to now scream “don’t split the vote”, we'll only have ourselves to blame.

BEN BESLER ... has been active in provincial politics for many years.  He most recently was a member of the BC Liberal Party ... is a former Vice President of the BC Conservative Party ... and was a Regional Organizer for the successful Fight HST citizens initiative


  1. If Conservatives that have been sleeping with the fiberals were to find their way home to the British Columbia Conservative Party----- together we could work to improve life for all British Columbians.


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