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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

"Let us come here and do the job we were elected to do ... let us clear this confusion up and get this settled ... let us put some rules in place for a change ... let us do our job"

Honestly, what was the purpose of yesterdays so-called 'emergency meeting' between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ... BC NDP Premier John Horgan ... and Alberta's leader Rachael Notley (also of the NDP persuasion)?

I really would like to know, because other than spewing additional carbon emissions into the air, with the jets required to fly to Ottawa, NOT A SINGLE THING WAS ACCOMPLISHED. 

Well almost nothing.

Hogan is entrenched as he ever was in that he has always said, and continues to basically say, there is no way in hell I'm going to allow the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline to be built.

Rachael Notley, ever fearful of Jason Kenny's United Conservative Party (and an up-coming provincial election in Alberta), is fearful that not only is Horgan refusing to allow the pipeline to be built, he is now also threatening to disallow additional shipments of oil, through BC, by rail.

And 'Sunny Ways -- Sunny Days' Trudeau?  Well he just wonders why all of us in the West can't just get along. 

The late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (L) with his son,
and now current Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau (right)
He also has an election to be concerned about in the not so distant future -- and standing up forcefully for the legal right of Kinder Morgan to build the pipeline, means the potential lose of a number of Liberal seats in BC -- seats they only just won after decades of zip, nada, goose eggs.

And why, until the last election, has that been the state of affairs for the Trudeau led Liberals?  Well of course it's because of a previous Trudeau, Pierre by name, who also pissed off the people of the west!

So what did change on the weekend?

Well it appears that our brutally debt ridden federal government is now talking about throwing wads of cash at Kinder Morgan, to try and keep them in the game (past the May 31st deadline they announced a week ago).

Oh and by the way, Kinder Morgan NEVER ASKED FOR THAT MONEY.  They only asked that obstructionist -- and illegal -- road blocks to the construction of the pipeline be lifted!

While he was talking about a totally different situation back on April 27th, 1998, I appreciate the plain-speak of BC Reform MP Daryl Stinson when he said; "Let us come here and do the job we were elected to do ... let us clear this confusion up and get this settled ... let us put some rules in place for a change ... let us do our job."

Rhetoric however, is all we do hear from the federal Liberals. If ONLY Trudeau 2.0 could paraphrase some additional words, from Daryl Stinson, and say to BC NDP Premier John Horgan, "Do you have the gonads to continue standing in the way of this project. This project has been approved, and it's going ahead.  Stand in the way and you're going to jail?"

Of course not! Not in a million years could that dream ever come true. Trudeau's too busy being concerned about 'people-kind'.  If he did however, he just might grant the wish of a majority of British Columbians. 

Premier John Horgan stated yesterday, “My obligation is to the people of B.C. and I’m going to defend them until I’m no longer the premier.”  If he's in jail won't that mean he's no longer Premier?  We can only hope!

Finally, let me say this.  There is a national emergency -- it's about the application of the rule of law.  People (and businesses) need to know their rights will not be trampled on. After all, that is a good part of what democracy is all about, isn't it?

In Kamloops, I'm Alan Forseth, and that's my rant for today.  The floors now open for you, so feel free to share your thoughts below in the comments section.


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