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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

Justin Trudeau has been nothing BUT hypocritical in allowing dictatorships, with tin-pot despots at the helm, to ship tanker after tanker of oil to east coast refineries

Oh boy ... we are indeed in trouble on this one; Kinder Morgan has now set May 31st as a deadline to get things under way on the Trans Mountain pipeline.  And fair enough. 

As you will note in the following, this whole project has drug on for far too long.  And through it all, the federal Liberal government of Justin Trudeau has been nothing BUT hypocritical in allowing dictatorships, with tin-pot despots at the helm, to ship tanker after tanker of oil to east coast refineries. 

Business Council Of British Columbia:

"The B.C. government's decision to prolong a process that rendered a verdict two years ago and move the regulatory finish line by imposing new barriers that would undercut its potential, threatens the credibility of our country's regulatory and project approvals systems and, by extension, the foundation of our federation." stated Greg D'Avignon, President and CEO of the Business Council of BC

Financial Post:
As federal and provincial politicians pat themselves
 on the back for their climate change ‘leadership,’
and pipeline opponents gloat about stalling
construction of new Canadian pipelines,
tanker-loads of foreign oil are delivered regularly
to Eastern Canadian refineries
, including increasing
volumes from Saudi Arabia.

Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA):

Trans Mountain pipeline was approved two years ago after a 29-month long process and had 194 environmental and legal conditions attached that Kinder Morgan has to meet during the construction and operation of the pipeline. But the deliberate and unfair interference of the B.C. NDP and Burnaby city governments saw the province and city hall actively engage in activities designed to deliberately terminate the project.

By strangling Trans Mountain, the BC NDP government would throw away $5.7 billion in provincial tax revenue, $1 billion in municipal tax revenue, and the opportunities that come with 15,000 construction jobs and 189,000 person-years of employment,” said Chris Gardner, ICBA president. “This decision will send a simple chilling message to businesses looking to start or expand major projects here – stay away from B.C. because you cannot rely on the government to honour its commitments or follow the law.”

BC NDP Premier John Horgan ... "we will use every

tool in the tool box to stop the pipeline expansion"

Michael Campbell's 'Money Talks':

$47 billion lost in government revenue - 800,000 man hours of work gone if the Trans Mountain pipeline gets scrapped. And for what? Best case scenario is .03 of a % reduction in global emissions. But don't worry - there's one big winner - San Francisco based Corporate Ethics, who in 2008 launched and financed the campaign to land lock Alberta oil. Oh yeah, US oil producers are smiling too 

Business Council of British Columbia:

"This is no longer about a pipeline project or whether one supports or opposes the legal movement of energy in Canada, which all Canadians and our economy rely on," stated Greg D'Avignon, President and CEO of the Business Council of B.C. "Provoked by the B.C. government's continued position, this is a referendum on whether British Columbia is open to investment and whether a legal enterprise can, with any confidence, invest, build and operate a business within the province and the country."
BC Premier John Horgan
In the 2017 election campaign, the John Horgan led NDP said it would block the Edmonton to Burnaby Trans Mountain expansion.  He declared he would use “every tool in the tool box” to stop the pipeline expansion.  Now as premier of the province, this clown swears he will not give up the fight to block the Trans Mountain pipeline. 

The BC Liberals, over a number of years, with Christy Clark at the helm, had multiple opportunities to push for the expansion to go ahead, and to insist on the federal government moving forward to see the expansion get underway.  Christy Clark is of course gone, however since the election of Andrew Wilkinson as their new leader, he (and they as a party) have done little but provide lip-service.

In fact, a former BC Conservative, who left to join the BC Liberals, was saying over the weekend, "Where was Wilkinson on this file?  Three paragraphs and he (Andrew Wilkinson) still couldn’t say he was for it, for energy infrastructure, or that it was vital for the nation or the economy. Remember when we used to talk about the economy! 

"Additionally, on social media, he also expressed these thoughts:
BC needs a partner in this fight #readytogo ... and ... Leadership #waitingonwilkinson 

The courts have made it very clear to Premier Horgan, and his GreeNDP buddy Andrew Weaver, that jurisdiction over the Kinder Morgan pipeline is a federal matter.

SO WHERE ARE THE LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA ON THIS.  As with their provincial bcLIBERAL buddies, they too have little but words to speak on the matter.

Kinder Morgan is fed up with delay after delay and has now in frustration issued an ultimatum ... May 31st is your deadline.  Its time to act!

Dear Justin, get off your ass and act!  Canada ... and especially British Columbia .. cannot afford to have this project canceled ... nor can it afford to have it delayed any longer.

In Kamloops, I'm Alan Forseth.  Got a comment to make?  This is your chance to share it now.


  1. It has never been about the environment. The USA is saving $43,000,000 every day. How much good could we do with the tax on that? Note when the dream weaver takes a dump ----- his shit ends up on the beach off Victoria!


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