FELDSTED – We need to hear from a leader with plans to repair the enormous damage done to our nation and her people
A federal election is a war between
political parties for the hearts and minds of people. In different language,
election strategy tells people whatever it takes to win and then declaring you
have a mandate to do whatever you please once victory is secured.
That is amoral, cynical and unethical and why we distrust politicians and
consider them less ethical than used car salespeople.
More importantly, the political party wars produce social media demigods who
lack the capability and traits of real leaders. Consider the results of this
contest of mediocrity … the PMO employs about 225 people. The PCO employs about
175 people. Why does Prime Minister Trudeau need a staff of approximately 400
to lead a government?
The government has a Cabinet of 35 Ministers, all of whom employ staff to
assist in department functions. The government has a caucus of 119 members,
excluding Ministers. That is where governance direction and policy are formed.
The leader’s job is to weld those 154 MPs into the best governing body
possible. They are there to serve the people who elected them, not to direct
the people of Canada.
Please have a good look at our current array of political party leaders. Not
one stands out as a leader of the people he claims to represent. They all
represent ideologies, not people and their needs.
Justin Trudeau is a globalist and internationalist convinced that world order
is a key to the future of a peaceful and orderly world. That was the original
mandate of the United Nations with one difference. The UN was to act as a
policing unit for member nations and intervene to stop wars between nations and
conduct that violated world peace.
The UN was not designed to interfere in a member nation’s internal affairs. The
vision of a world controlled through the United Nations is the exact opposite
of its formation mandate. Trudeau is not concerned with the needs and
well-being of Canadians.
Jagmeet Singh is a socialist determined to move Canada hard left irrespective
of the financial cost. He cannot grasp that pharmacare for all is the
pharmaceutical industry dream. It does not need to create cheap generics when
pharmacare pays for patented medications. Pharmacare will need tax subsidies,
premiums, copayments or some combination to function, which will hurt
low-income earners and benefit those who can afford supplementary medical
Medical and hospital services are a provincial jurisdiction and cannot be dealt
with by the federal government. Singh’s plans will create a constitutional
Yves-François Blanchet has no interest in affairs outside of Quebec and has
proven to be an able disrupter of any policy or program he perceives as
detrimental to the interests of the province he represents. He has no business
on the national stage.
Erin O’Toole is operating a political puzzle factory. His advisors seem intent
on following the failed 2015 and 2019 election strategies of degrading Trudeau
and claiming they will crush the Liberals.
None of us care about ‘crushing the Liberals.’ Their incompetence is defeating
them. We need to hear from a leader with plans to repair the enormous damage
done to our nation and her people. Leadership is not about treating us like
children in need of guidance. Party leaders who believe they are supreme are
closet tyrants, not leaders.
Leaders develop strategies and policies they can convince people they serve to
support. Tyrants forge strategies and policies they impose on people as rulers.
Instead of appealing for advice and support from those they serve, tyrants
create rules and impose fines on those who violate their edicts. That is
tyranny, not democracy.
We have suffered a year of tyranny. Incumbent politicians are not helping the
people who voted them in and are undeserving of re-election. Infringement of
our freedoms and rights during an emergency is understandable. However, a
crisis is not a lasting event. Routine extension of the emergency period long
ago passed credibility.
Incompetence in dealing with a virus does not constitute an emergency. It is
ample reason for those in charge to resign and allow others to develop policies
that work.
We need a conservative government. Not the CINO sorts who, like Chicken Little,
scream about the need for “a big tent” when we need representatives who will
stand up for those who elected them, adhere to conservative principles and
follow our constitution.
Our constitution is the framework where all governments, federal and
provincial, draw their respective powers. For decades, political parties have
ignored the constitution to do whatever they consider convenient.
That practice must end.
John Feldsted … is a political
commentator, consultant, and strategist. He makes his home in Winnipeg,
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