All levels of government in BC should offer competitive compensation, to attract qualified employees, but government sector wages and benefits are clearly out of step
Wages for g overnment employees in B ritish Columbia were 5.8 per cent higher ( on average) than wages for comparable workers in the province’s private sector last year , finds a new study by the Fraser Institute , an independent, non- partisan Canadian public policy think- tank. “ Of course, all levels of government in BC should offer competitive compensation to attract qualified employees, but wages and benefits in the government sector are clearly out of step with the private sector ,” said Jake Fuss, policy analyst at the Fraser Institut e. In addition to the wage gap (which accounts for worker characteristics such as age, gender, education and type of work ) the study , Comparing Government and Private Sector Compensation in British Columbia , finds that government employees in BC — including federal, provincial and municipal workers — also enjoyed more generous benefit s in 2018, the latest year of comparable data. For example ...