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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

LEADERSHIP of the BC Conservative Party … and those who would seek it. “Where are our leaders? Our statesmen for the new century?”

On July 20th, 1871 British Columbia became the sixth province to sign on to the audacious vision laid out by the fathers of confederation. A vision that was as bold as it was courageous. To create a new nation, one that would stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific, through the Rockies and across the prairies. To unite the small, disparate and insignificant colonies of British North America in the greatest nation building project the world had ever seen.

Over a century and a half later much of our prosperity, identity and independence we owe to them - and those who followed in their footsteps.

What has happened to that drive? To that tenacity? That resolve? What happened to Canada? Where are our leaders? Our statesmen for the new century … who is the author of Canada’s next chapter?

Prior to founding BC Proud, Aaron Gunn worked
for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.  He is an
advocate for taxpayers and common-sense
Surely, it cannot be our current Prime Minister. We can do better than this. But to do so we need to re-discover the boldness and audacity that built this country and couple it with a vision befitting a nation as vast and burgeoning with potential as our own.

WITH THOSE WORDS … Aaron Gunn launched into a speech to BC Conservative Party members attending their recent AGM in Kelowna.

They resonated strongly, it seems, with former BC Conservative candidate, Michael Henshall, a member of 15+ years.  Later in the day he said to me, “It’s exciting to see a resurgence of a true Conservative Party in British Columbia”.

I asked Michael to expand on that, and it was easy to see the enthusiasm he was feeling.

Aaron Gunn had a clear, bold message for British Columbians. Aaron has his ‘finger on the pulse’ of the economy in BC and Canada … and is an advocate for a prosperous, true ‘free enterprise’ political environment.”

I know in listening to the words he (Gunn) spoke, I too was moved … especially by this statement:

In the late 1800s Canada was a small country, divided by language and surrounded by a larger and much more powerful neighbor to the South. Yet in that historical context we completed what many consider this country’s greatest political and engineering feat: the Canadian Pacific Railway.”

Continuing, Gunn pushed home a fact not lost on anyone in the room … “Today we can’t even build a friggin’ pipeline.”

Again, going back to Henshall, he considers Gunn’s message to be a stark contrast to the ‘faux free enterprise’ party lead by Andrew Wilkinson, whom most recognize as a Liberal supporter and probable member (at least to the best of my knowledge he has not attempted to disavow that suggestion).

On the subject of BC Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson, Arron Gunn had this to say, tongue in cheek perhaps … but with full disbelief it could be so.

Andrew Wilkinson recently said, with regard to ICBC, “Maybe it’s time to have competition”.

Let’s not be timid … the lack of self-awareness in that statement is astounding.  ‘Maybe’ its time for competition?

Let’s not be timid … this is the leader of British Columbia’s free market party?

He also stirred up those attending saying:

“While protesters are perfectly entitled to their own opinions and the right to express them, they are not entitled to their own constitution, their own set of laws or their own personal vetoes over every federally-approved project in which they disagree.

But sometimes it’s not the individuals, but the laws themselves that need correction …when it comes to the safety of our society, the safety of our citizens and the safety of our most vulnerable – our children, the margin for error is zero.

And it’s about time that was reflected in the laws of this country

The stirring from Gunn was enough that, according to Henshall, a well-known citizen in the Fraser Valley said that he could stand behind a leader like that, and would even consider running as an MLA in the next provincial election with someone like Aaron involved.

Now all reading this must keep in mind a leadership contest just recently got underway for the BC Conservative Party, and while a number of individuals have taken out candidate application packages, as of yet there are no declared candidates.

Still, as Michael Henshall said … there was more energy and momentum from the talented individuals in the recent BC Conservative AGM than I have ever seen. It’s exciting to see a resurgence of a true Conservative Party in British Columbia.

And perhaps that’s where Gunn was going, in selecting the words he spoke to Conservative members attending the Kelowna AGM.  Nearing the end of his speech he gave them a job to do, and there was no hesitation in his delivery, and he definitely was NOT timid.

It’s time as conservatives, to be bold, to be decisive, to honour the legacy of Sir John A. by continuing to build the country he so graciously passed down to us.

… to further the dream that is Canada with courage and conviction … to put forward ideas that inspire Canadians and together comprise a vision on how we move this nation forward.

Because if we don’t, we’ll allow our future to be defined by those who oppose us. Our opponents.

With the leader of the BC Liberals aligning with the federal Liberals of Justin Trudeau, there should be no doubt that a vacuum exists, which can be filled by a true free-enterprise centre-right party.

Aaron Gunn, along with four term Ft. St. John City Councillor Trevor Bolin (who also spoke at the AGM), haven’t ruled out the possibility of running in the BC Conservative leadership race -- and both gave well-received presentations at the AGM.

First steps … testing the waters?  Only time will tell.

I’m Alan Forseth in Kamloops.  If you have any thoughts on this commentary, please share them below in the Comments Section. 


  1. Alan,

    I too was impressed with Aaron Gunn’s speech. He is not only one to watch---- BUT to encourage & support. I would be happy to see him run for our leader.

    Regards, Don Purdey

  2. Hi Alan;

    Very good post. The FBI have listed Proud groups as a hate group with ties from the Aryan nation. The FBI has sent this warning as well to CSIS. I personally don’t believe it until I can research it further as the same Liberal media has spread so many lies.

    I personally thought that Trevor spoke with more emotion, both speakers were great and we need more Conservatives that care that deeply.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. Dear Gurjinder. You are confusing the Proud Boys organization from the US with the 'Proud' Facebook series. The two have nothing to do with one another. BC Proud is a sister organization of Ontario Proud and their affiliates which are Canadian made and operated right-of-centre, populist, third party political advertisers.

  3. Liberal Tory same old story. "Free Enterprise" has destroyed the middle class, and if given a few more years, will destroy the planet. (p.s. I was once a conservative.)

  4. Aaron Gunn made a great speech at the Sir John A Macdonald statue takedown protest in Victoria. The left-wing SJWs were trying to shout him down like they always do, but he was having none of it. I was very impressed. People there asked him "Why don't you run for mayor of Victoria?" and he just replied "I have no desire to be mayor of Victoria." Maybe he already had a larger vision? (There were Proud Boys draped in Canadian flags at the Sir John A protest as well, and they were very receptive to Aaron's message, but were they there 'with' him? I didn't seem like it to me, but I dunno.)

  5. I would vote for Aaron Gunn. We need somebody with some courage!

  6. Maybe one should read a book on the success of the career of W A C Bennett. Formal conservative before he crossed the floor. He was a leader, regardless what title. Pragmatic decisions based on fact of what needs to get things done. Most politicians only want to serve their own and special interest groups agenda for their advantage not the public's.Same for federal politicians.
    Do the math, with 33% people voting for 3 parties it only takes 12% to get elected to BC legislature. Voting reform means nothing unless voting is mandatory just like seat belt law.

  7. Trevor Brolin, hands down. Young, an experienced City Councilor who is familiar with senior levels of government, a successful entrepreneur and business man in a boom town, familiar with both rural AND metro issues, and has the personality and personal charisma to engage all levels.

    I want an experienced leader, not a populist one.


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