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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

DAY SEVEN ... the week of June 28th to July 4th

Well this turned out to be an interesting week ....

We’ve had China’s communist government crackdown on the civil liberties of citizens in Hong Kong ... Huawei, Meng Wanzhou, and the two Michaels continue to make headlines ... and the Trans Mountain Pipeline got past it’s (hopefully) last legal hurdle, with Trevor Bolin of the Conservatives in BC speaking out on that.

The threat of western separation grew stronger with Jay Hill taking on the leadership of WEXIT ... we’ve had more on racial tensions and discrimination ... and a former BC MLA came out on support with Conservative Party leadership candidate Leslyn Lewis ....

Let’s get things started ... here’s ...

#10 ... RICK PETERSON – Childcare? Let’s think outside the box! (July 2nd)

I remember clearly the day, when I was a young father, that I got a phone call at the office at 1:45 in the afternoon, in the middle of a hot summer day, that has since forever shaped the way that I think of child care.

“Hi Rick. Sorry to bother you, but I have a bit of a problem.”

"Oh-oh. This can’t be good

#9 ... FELDSTED -- Discrimination fractures us into warring enclaves rather than engaging us collectively to improve our quality of life and standard of living (July 1st)

their mantra is that they cannot tolerate discrimination, even if it took place decades or even centuries ago and they demand that everyone else change without excuses or procrastination ... these moralists are modern versions of Seth Pecksniff, pointing the way to high moral standards without adopting and employing them ...

#8 ... WUN FEATHER -- Just because Justin Trudeau says us Canadians are racist, does not make it so. When people like him say stuff like that, the rest of us know he is a liar (July 1st)

I can't keep quiet about what I read yesterday on a Facebook group. Because I spent a great deal of my youth in the central interior of BC, I pay attention to the Prince George, Fraser Lake, Fort Fraser and Vanderhoof, BC, Facebook pages.

Yesterday I read a comment that made my blood boil; someone said
... Vanderhoof is still racist" ...

#7 ... RICK PETERSON -- Ten Ways to Hit China Where It Hurts (June 29th)

... Last week we all heard about a letter signed by 19 “heavyweight” Canadian foreign policy thinkers asking Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to cave into China’s demands for a prisoner swap.

Send Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou back to China from detention in Vancouver, was their message, where she’s waiting to see if she’ll be extradited to the US to face fraud charges

#6 ... FELDSTED – As a supposed leader of the free world on the international stage, Canada is a bust ... all talk and no action (July 3rd)

... our government’s dealings with China are flat-out bizarre. We have a Chinese executive of the Huawei technology giant, Meng Wanzhou, under house arrest for extradition to the US for trial on fraud charges there.

House arrest? For a foreign national? It seems odd that Ms Wanzhou owns not one but two multi-million-dollar mansions in Vancouver ...

#5 ... PECKFORD -- As China Passes Laws to Further Restrict Hong Kong ... we cozy up with them on the Wuhan Virus vaccine (June 30th)

I referenced this some weeks ago that Dalhousie University was teaming up with China on the development of a Wuhan virus vaccine. No one seems to care that much that we are still involved with the Chinese over things on which we still have control.

I mean how do you square that with the fact that the Government expresses its concern over the two Canadians still being held in jails in China on fabricated charges. Are we really being consistent here?

#4 ... LESLYN LEWIS -- The Liberal gun ban makes me angry not just because they are going after law-abiding firearms owners, but because they are preying on the fears of parents and concerned Canadians (July 4th)

I want my children, my neighbours’ children and the children all across Canada to be safe from violence. But I don’t appreciate when someone tries to use my concern for my children’s well-being to trick me into accepting bad policies ...

Jay Hill, interim leader of the
WEXIT separatist movement

#3 ... FORSETH --- Jay Hill began as an MP for the party telling eastern Canada ‘The West Wants In’. In Wexit – the western separatist movement - he is now saying ‘The West Wants Out’ (June 30th)

the Wexit independence party is reality – and for the foreseeable future Jay Hill has become its interim leader ... Mr. Hill was the federal Member of Parliament (MP) for the riding of Prince George – Peace River.  He began as a Reform Canada MP (the West Wants in) ... and continue on through the formation of the Canadian Alliance Party, and then to the Conservative Party of Canada.  Now, in Wexit, the western separatist movement, he has moved to the position of The West Wants Out ...

#2 ... BILL BENNETT -- I sense that Leslyn Lewis has a very warm and genuine personality, and a high-principled character (July 3rd)

Leslyn Lewis as leader allows conservatives in Canada to establish a new, and more honest, public narrative. The current narrative has it that conservatives in Canada are in a minority, meaning that leadership candidates must be "less conservative" to be successful -- Hello Mr. Peter McKay ...

AND NOW ... let’s move on to this week’s number one commentary – the one which you the reader decided to put the most eyes on, to read ...

#1 ... After years of challenges the highest level of court in the nation has advised the approval process (for the Trans Mountain Pipeline) was done correctly under the law’ – Trevor Bolin, Conservative Party of BC (July 2nd)

... on hearing the Supreme Court of Canada will not allow an appeal of the federal government’s approval of the Trans Mountain Pipeline, the Conservative Party of British Columbia was quick to announce satisfaction that legal challenges have finally been put to rest.

... leader Trevor Bolin stated,
After years of challenges -- and disputes between parties over this project -- the highest level of court in the nation has advised the approval process was done correctly under the law” ...

So, there you have it ... another edition of Day Seven has come to a close.

I’d like to remind you that if you have an idea we should consider for a post or commentary, please let use know – email  AND ... if there’s others you think might be interested in knowing about this blog site, please be sure to pass the link on to them.

Have a great day – we’ll see you tomorrow.


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