A group of large frogs in a small
puddle are convinced that their croaking can shake and shape world affairs.
They rule with the haughtiness of anointed royalty, forgetting they are
elected to and serve in a constitutional monarchy with serious
constitutional obligations to Canada’s people.
This cadre within our federal
government has its heart set on a seat on the UN Security Council and is
spending billions in its efforts. Besides a squadron of bureaucrats
campaigning full time on gaining a seat, the cadre is spending billions in
foreign aid to enhance its image in UN ranks.
A Security Council seat entails
limited power. Any resolution that Canada puts forward or supports can be
vetoed by any of the big five members of the Council; it is a prestige
position of very limited practical use for Canada or Canadians.
The same government has pronounced
that global warming or climate change is the most important element of
governance in Canada. Our economy, social well-being, deteriorating legal
system, health care and high taxation levels are elbowed aside to appeasing
the UN gods of climate change.
That would be less ludicrous if
the government made any effort to verify the Professor Michael Mann's
“hockey stick” calculations that underpin global warming hysteria, but they
have not. Numerous prestigious scientists have tested Professor Mann’s
calculations and find they are not credible.
In addition, the same scientists
have tested climate change projection models and found them to be
manipulated to produce results that are neither credible nor reasonable.
Finally, the reductions in carbon
emissions that are alleged to slow, or halt climate change is a world-wide
problem. All major emitters must reduce emission in lock-step for the plan
to succeed. There is no evidence that nations are cooperating to reduce
Canada, with an estimated 1.6% of
world emissions or about 617.6 million metric tons is not a carbon threat.
Even if we reduce our emissions by 20% to 494 MMT, the decrease of 123.5
MMT would have a negligible 0.3% (3/10 of 1%) effect on world emissions
while the reduction risks driving us into a deep recession or probably a
depression with an enormous impact on our standard of living.
We are risking economic security
chasing an unachievable scheme.
Destroying our economy is the
hidden agenda behind the UN global warming scheme and our government is a
willing partner in the venture rather then standing up for Canada’s best
We must return to behaving like
the sovereign nation we are rather then chasing the United Nations globalist
agenda. The UN is unelected and unaccountable, notable mostly for its
failure to meet its mandate of keeping world peace.
That was the objective of forming
the organization ... before it was taken over by dictators and tyrants
representing the warring nations who have driven over 70 million people to
leave their country of origin because of conflict, war or persecution.
Chasing UN “prestige” is the road
to ruin for Canada.
Political Commentator, Consultant & Strategist
Winnipeg, Manitoba
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