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“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” ~~ John G. Diefenbaker

JOHN TWIGG: Notre Dame and Sri Lanka offer new insights into mankind’s precarious prophesied future

The writer is a former activist for the BC Conservative Party who left the party shortly before the previous provincial election to run for the B.C. First Party in North Island but who has since rejoined BCCP as a somewhat dissident member. The BCCP was not asked to approve this commentary.

After much thought, and knowing many people of various religious faiths are, and will always be, part of every political party, I have decided to run this commentary.

PLEASE NOTE: The following is the comments and beliefs of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the writer providing material to this blog-site

PART #1 ... Here is the real reason for the attack on this idea of a “clash of civilizations

The recent sensational burning of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on April 15 and then the mass murders of more than 250 Christian church-goers and various Western people in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday April 21, 2019 can now be seen as two more major new events in an on-going religious war waged for centuries by radical Muslims against Jews and Christians, but those apparently ”terrorist” attacks also can be linked to other big global issues such as major international trade disputes, the debate about climate change and even to the fate of all humanity.

It is apparent now to almost everyone who looks that the world is facing an unprecedented clash of civilizations but it is less understood that these new world affairs also closely fit the pattern of events predicted in Bible prophecies, but probably not many people realize that those connections are being deliberately obscured now by debates around other issues, especially climate policy, as well as by other devices  as I will explain and show below (such as twisting the meanings of write-ups in Wikipedia).

Global warming also was a hot topic that Easter weekend because Earth Day was on Easter Monday (April 22, 2019) and events marking it were held all around the world, many featuring young people rallying to urge their elders to radically shift their domain’s economies rapidly away from burning fossil fuels because the youths and more than a few others now believe (wrongly) that a human-caused greenhouse gas effect has pushed the world’s atmosphere past the supposed tipping point of 400 parts per million of CO2 (which also can be expressed as 0.04%), which level is not unprecedented, not a real crisis, nor caused mostly by humans and actually has mainly beneficial effects (e.g. added carbon boosts the growth of plants to help feed the rapidly-growing human population).

It might seem to many people that religious wars and climate change are merely two completely separate topics among so many other equally big and generally unrelated but troubling news stories going on now in the complex world we live in, stories such as the mass media’s extensive reporting on the often-contentious doings and sayings of President Donald Trump, who having survived the Mueller probe of his Russian connections has been invited to meet The Queen in London for an Official Visit in June. (Will he say something provocative about Brexit? Will he blurt out something awkward about the U.S. Embassy being moved to Jerusalem??)

Indeed there are so many such ever-changing webs of intrigue in humanity’s rapidly-degenerating international relations that we cannot blame people when they fail to see the forests for the trees on some key issues like climate change or fail to understand there also are many other important issues in world affairs to worry about such as supply and demand of critical energy fuels, or basic human rights such as religious beliefs being under attack in various tinpot dictatorships, and/or to realize that some of the many scare stories are actually wrong or even being deliberately falsified, primarily regarding #globalwarming and #climatechange.

Disinformation between persons and nations evidently is not a new thing in human history, which is a fact readily evident to readers of Bible history, but now we can add to it that a panoply of media and businesses also are pumping out false propaganda, which makes the information wars all the more challenging to see through now.

In the mainstream news media, we don’t hear much, for example, about the existence of good and bad spirits telling truths and lies even though the battle between good and evil spirits is plainly discussed in most religions and also has long been evident to pre-contact aboriginal cultures. However, Hollywood movies often deal with battles between good and evil (e.g. Star Wars and Avengers) and routinely earn billions of dollars from them so there IS something big going on in this sphere.

That paradoxical paradigm has led humanity to develop wonders such as global electronic networks by which every eye can watch a marvel like the International Space Station in live time – think of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield singing “Major Tom” on a live feed to CNN, or Jesus’s feet hitting the Mount of Olives at His second coming and every eye seeing it (Rev. 1:7) - but at the same time people watching such media also can see security-cam videos of mass murders (e.g. a well-dressed man wearing a backpack walking into a church service in Sri Lanka and blowing up himself and dozens of others) and/or watch other negative online content such as pornography, or worse. (What could be worse? If you have to ask, don’t.)

Recently a major TV news network was repeatedly running a video clip of a potential arsonist who was prevented from entering a church in New York with obvious intent to literally inflame it – which video unfortunately revealed his simple but deadly modus operandi but which I won’t repeat here. But now anyone who saw it can be a copycat, even a mental patient with a low IQ, or some insane incel (such as Alek Minassian who used a van in Toronto on April 23, 2018 to kill 10 pedestrians and injure 16 others, most of them women, similar to the Toronto-Danforth shooter Faisal Hussain on July 22, 2018 who killed two and wounded 13 others, again mostly women). [“incel” is short for involuntarily celibate]

Meanwhile relatively little is said nowadays in mainstream media about how a small number of nations – about 12 - have developed inter-continental ballistic missiles and other delivery systems (e.g. planes, or suitcase bombs like those reportedly transferred from Saddam Hussein to who knows where now) which can deliver an array of nuclear warheads that together are capable of decimating all of mankind several times over, or individually wipe out whole cities - thus proving true Jesus’s prophecy that there would be “no flesh saved alive” unless He returns to thwart an apparently-soon-coming global nuclear war (Matthew 24:22).

That’s a big stretch to believe, so let me explain it all in more detail below. It will take a while. It will not be a quick and easy read. In fact, it will contain reasoning that may be new to some readers, and challenging, and probably some of the basic information will be new too, or even bizarre. But it IS worth the effort. And your life may depend on it.

My narrative does get around to voting behaviour in British Columbia, but much more than that too; really the big key question is what is to become of the more than 7.5 billion people alive in the world today? And then what can we 5 million people in Berith-ish Columbia do about that? (Berith-ish is Hebrew for Covenant Man, and it’s a teaser reference to the true heritage of the English-speaking peoples and nations, and to their potential futures, to be explained below.)

#globalwarming used as a smokescreen

The key gist is that the global media mania about climate change and global warming is being exaggerated to smokescreen those even bigger and much more real and imminent challenges facing humanity, specifically that the world needs special measures by the nations and peoples of the world to somehow avoid falling into World War 3 and instead get right with God. And those needed measures include many repentances – individually and collectively - towards the God of the Bible, known as Jehovah or Yahweh, who is the only God who can and does make major predictions and then fulfills them (such as before and during Exodus). And He does it repeatedly. And He demands respect. That’s just a reality, whether or not we like it.

Unfortunately, all of us alive today are now facing physical death sentences from one peril or another, whether weather, disease, pestilence, crime, terrorism, mental illness, aging or . . . outright war. But lately there seems to have been a new proliferation of horrific terrorist acts with anti-religious motivations, such as the Easter Sunday anti-Christian attacks in Sri Lanka, the apparent arsoning of Notre Dame Cathedral, the recent murders of dozens of Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand, dozens of mass shootings in the United States, the London subway bombings of July 7, 2005 that killed 56 people and of course 9/11 of 2001, and even some such events recently in Canada (e.g. the Jan. 29, 2017 shootings in a Quebec City mosque that killed six and wounded 19 others).

Some people are living relatively safe, comfortable and happy lives, especially in North American and Nordic or other Dan-ish cultures, but many others are in relatively dire straits, especially nowadays in Africa and Central America, and especially so for the millions of migrants who (being desperate) have somewhat higher incidences of committing and/or becoming victims of violent crimes and sexual abuses – but even people in wealthy and enlightened nations are under increasing threats.

But after all that strife down through the centuries there is still going to be a one final Judgement Day, according to that uniquely and reliably predictive Holy Bible, but strangely very few people can really understand it all, even ministers ordained in mainstream churches who perhaps unknowingly keep a non-Biblical set of Holy Days, such as observing Easter instead of Passover, and who go to church on Sundays instead of the original Shabbat Sabbath from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, which Holy Days clearly were to be kept “for ever”. (Exodus 31:13, also see Exodus 12 and 20)

As The Doors singer-songwriter Jim Morrison once sang, “Smog’s gonna get ya really soon” (from the song called Peace Frog), but that was back in the late Sixties when air pollution was a relatively new idea and the meme of #climatechange hadn’t even been invented yet, nor the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) whose dire predictions were found to have been statistically diddled (as even admitted by Al Gore!). Now Morrison is long gone but his songs remain the same: iconic, poetic and even prophetic.

That “smog” line, by the way, was delivered with some sarcasm, because Morrison was well aware that issues other than air pollution were far more dangerous in world affairs, most notably the survival or death of the whole human species on the verge of a nuclear World War 3 – which Morrison sang about in his song Ship of Fools and which threat he was exceptionally well aware of because his father happened to be head of the U.S. Navy’s nuclear-capable Pacific Fleet – true! – and his father also may have been a fundamentalist Bible-believing Christian who inculcated apocalyptic messages into young James’ “fragile eggshell mind” (that’s also a snippet from the song Peace Frog).

My prep notes for this essay had as the top next line a reminder for me to mention a TV news item I saw about President Trump hosting an outdoor Easter egg party for kids from the neighbourhood around the White House but for some ludicrous reason Trump took the opportunity of an open microphone and TV news cameras rolling to supposedly tell the kiddies that they can feel safer now because the U.S.A. under his leadership is rebuilding its military forces. You can’t make up such stuff.

Predictably Trump was immediately slammed by TV talking heads for his supposed insensitivity to the children there (though they mostly ignored what he was saying) but on the other hand no one in the mainstream media except perhaps a few conservative pundits chose to chastise various politicians and environmental groups’ activist leaders for using Earth Day on the same weekend to do much the same thing: frighten children and young teens about the supposedly horrific risks to their future lives if global warming isn’t stopped when really a new world war is the much greater threat.

Sure, enough all around the western world on Earth Day there were parades and demonstrations of young people protesting the world’s governments for supposedly doing too little too slowly to fight climate change. And politicians such as B.C. Premier John Horgan manufactured opportunities to make vacuous announcements of politically-correct sentiments – which in Horgan’s case were to “rise to the challenge of climate change” (Canadian Press’s wording) - and then pose for photos.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau predictably chimed in, tweeting that “We only have one planet. Our kids are counting on us to keep it clean and healthy. #Earth Day”.

A few days later Trudeau was visiting a city in Quebec experiencing spring flooding of a river and he Tweeted “Recurrent flooding due to climate change a new reality” even though such flooding happens regularly and probably was exacerbated by the colder winter producing a heavier snowpack.

On Saturday (April 27) he was at it again, taking his two sons to a sand-bag-filling activity near Ottawa for a photo opportunity in which he again linked the event to “climate change”, to which I Tweeted “Maybe worse than photo-opp'ing an emergency was PMJT's zeal to blame flooding on #climatechange even tho such flooding happens regularly and water level higher cuz snowpack was larger due to colder winter/#globalcooling but fedLibs will use #climate as their main election plank.”

In other words it’s all part of issues-management strategies now, showing politicians hard at work on an issue that for many people now will be vote-determining in Canada’s next federal election expected in October: climate policy – even though many other issues are more important, especially ones in trade and commerce but arguably also some in social policy such as drug costs.

Unfortunately such manufactured but misleading optics on climate and other such issues are being used to smokescreen some truly terrible skullduggery going on all around the world today, such as price-fixing and money-laundering as well as strings of terrorist attacks of which the Notre Dame fire and the Sri Lanka murders are merely recent examples. Others include drug-trafficking (especially deadly fentanyl from China), bribing military dictatorships for business deals, trafficking children for sex – and more.

Let’s take a deeper look into each of those events so we might better understand their machinations:

PART #2 ... Cause of Cathedral Notre-Dame fire probably was arson

Until the massacre in Sri Lanka happened, one of the biggest news stories of the year, or longer, was the massive fire on Monday, April 15 at Cathedral Notre-Dame in Paris, which gutted the very large, old and iconic building on which construction began in 1163, two big towers were done in 1245, construction finished in the 1300s and the central spire was added in the 1800s – until it was videoed falling evocatively  into the flames .
Seemingly miraculously the awesome building had survived more or less untouched through a litany of wars though more recently it had been mentioned numerous times as a great symbolic target for militant Muslims such as members of ISIS, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, who in recent decades have been waging a global terrorist jihad against Western interests in general and against Christian affiliations in particular.

Initial reports of what caused the Paris cathedral fire were focussed by authorities on the theory that there may have been a short circuit in some old electrical wiring where some renovations were going on, which for national security reasons in France probably was a better choice of explanation than speculating it had been a terrorist attack by Muslim jihadis, who had been threatening such an attack in the past, but then some construction workers told some media that the power was always turned off when they weren’t on the jobsite so now we don’t know yet what really caused the fire but much of the evidence suggests it was planned. So why did it take many days before experts were allowed in to check for traces of accelerants or other causes? Was that another cover-up??

Though it is not widely known, Notre-Dame de Paris also was (and still is) part of a network of seven grand temples built NOT by the then-corrupt Roman Catholic church but rather by a cabal of enlightened and wealthy nobles called The Templars who also did extensive archeological digs in Jerusalem looking for early Jewish and Christian artifacts, which apparently they did find and take back to Europe where the relics were mostly hidden to this day in secret vaults, including possibly some beneath Notre-Dame.

Because of that planned construction many key artifacts already had been removed and before the fire spread volunteers and fire-fighters had time to go in and carry out most of the prized paintings and other artefacts including notably the reputed Crown of Thorns of Matthew 27:29 put upon Jesus’s head while He was being prepared for crucifixion on the Roman cross (which crown to me is a strange thing to venerate, and which has a dubious history, a French king having paid a huge sum for it in Italy hundreds of years afterwards and then given it to that church). 
What happened to items in the crypts we don’t yet know and the water from the firefighters might have flooded into some of them.

Was the fire an Act of God? Probably not, because there was no warning that such an event was pending and in The Bible God almost always offers warnings beforehand when He intends to act in a major way, such as He did before the first Passover event in Egypt.

In my opinion, based on many years of covering or closely monitoring news reports on numerous catastrophes (e.g. 9/11), the Notre Dame fire was not an accident because the fire was too big to be put out quickly and once it took hold it gutted the whole building from side to side and end to end, which suggests some flammables were added. (It IS a very large building, as I can say from having been inside it.) And despite a massive fight against the fire, when it was done the whole roof was gone.

That view of the probable cause of the fire being arson was more or less corroborated by a French expert on the cathedral building, whose comments can be heard here (with an English translation in text): French expert doubts Notre Dame fire was triggered by a mere short-circuit spark:

Notre-Dame Cathedral linked to Rosslyn Chapel

Perhaps we will never know the real cause of the cathedral fire, but meanwhile I will alert readers to be watchful for more news of such things on July 28 this year, which date may be some kind of a key, according to the book Rosslyn by Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins, which coincidentally I had just finished reading. That is the date on which the alignment of the seven old Templar temples will exactly match the alignment of the seven visible planets in the astronomical sky (p. 210). (The astrological parallels, if any, I do not yet know about, but I will be watching that day with great interest.)

One intriguing possibility is that the contents of Notre-Dame’s vaults will finally be revealed on or around that date and they could – could – have massive implications, such as for example undermining the legitimacy of the whole Roman Catholic church (say if there are bodies of missing children in there).
The history of the Roman Catholic church is already well-checkered and lately has been further polluted by exposees of rampant homosexual pedophilia among its priesthood which have become so bad now that the present and former Pope are openly squabbling about how to handle it. (See )

Were the Roman Popes trying to destroy evidence and make it look like the Muslims did it? Is there terribly incriminating evidence in those crypts??

Another possibility is that the vaults will be found to have been more or less empty, perhaps because their contents long ago were secretly moved to the long-sealed vaults at the relatively-distant Rosslyn Chapel, which is near Edinburgh, Scotland. That is a hypothesis raised in the Rosslyn book originally published in 1999. But for Notre-Dame de Paris to be so burned only three months before that Rosslyn book date arrives does raise added questions, at least for me.

Who else might have had motive to do such a thing as arson such an iconic Christian edifice? Well radical Muslims come quickly to mind because they have made such threats before against that same edifice and they have been implicated in probably hundreds of malicious incidents at churches and other “western” facilities around the world in recent years, even including several recently in B.C. (e.g. a failed arson attempt at Langara College in Vancouver and several attacks against Jewish synagogues).

It should be noted too that the fire in Paris and the bombings in Sri Lanka both happened fairly soon after an Australian man murdered a large number of Muslims worshipping in Christchurch, New Zealand, so it IS conceivable that the torching of Notre-Dame was a reprisal for murders of Muslims praying in mosques. However, ISIS occasionally does mention reprisals but, in this case, did not.

However, there ARE other possible suspects in the Paris fire, perhaps most obviously the Yellow-vest protesters who for 24 consecutive weekends have been demonstrating en masse in Paris against the perceived incompetence of French President Emmanuel Macron in particular and against the culture of cronyism among France’s elite in general. Or they could have been used as a scapegoat.

The Notre Dame cathedral thus could have been seen as a potential target for the Yellow-vesters but instead they were angered that French security had failed to thwart another attack against French culture and the vesters were further angered when France’s corporate tycoons quickly pledged to donate about $1 billion to help rebuild the cathedral after months of them having offered nothing to help low-income workers and their families struggling with rising taxes, inflationary prices, inadequate pensions, absent social programs and declining jobs.

At time of writing we still don’t know for sure what or who really caused the fire at Notre Dame du Paris, partly because no one stepped forward to take credit, but a possible clue came only a few days later when ISIS took credit for the horrific mass murder on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, wreaking havoc throughout the island nation of 21 million people and sending another big message around the world that ISIS is still a factor even after recently losing military control of its territory in eastern Syria.

Most recently police in Sri Lanka have been raiding suspected hideouts of the suspected accomplices and more deadly shootings and bombings have happened on both sides, with about 15 police and suspects now dead.

ISIS/ISIL widely seen as culprit in Sri Lanka mass murders

While there is some doubt about the degree of Muslim involvements in the Paris Notre-Dame fire, there now is zero doubt about Muslim involvements in the Sri Lanka mass murders: the perpetrators were quickly identified as a new group of locally-based radical Muslims, ISIS/ISIL quickly took credit for having helped them and it soon emerged that security forces in Sri Lanka had been tipped on April 4 and again on April 11 that such an attack was coming though sadly little if anything was reported to the Prime Minister and apparently nothing was done to try to stop it.

The evidence of planning was obvious from the events: bombs went off almost simultaneously at six disparate locations around the small but densely-populated island nation: at three Christian churches where congregations were celebrating Easter, and at three hotels serving breakfasts to Westerners. The weapons were backpacks worn by suicide bombers and the mules it turns out were mainly young men from well-off local families who had recently formed a new radical Islamic group: the National Thowheeth Jama’ath, apparently armed and aided by outside ISIS interests.

The initial blasts were followed by three more, killing five more people, three of whom were police officers trying to arrest culprits at a safe house.

One group apparently not involved were the Tamil Tigers, a subversive group who fought a 26-year civil war against the Buddhist-majority government of Sri Lanka until 2009, but the Tamils were not anti-Christian and some Tamils also died in the latest bombings.

The key group most clearly involved was ISIS, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIL for Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, who are widely seen to be minions of the rogue militant Muslim nation of Iran, previously known as Persia (and by which name Iran appears in Bible prophecies).

ISIS is the same group that for many years staged a civil war in northwestern Iraq and eastern Syria but in recent months – since the intervention of American troops and other Western forces at the behest of Trump – that group has been more or less eradicated there though remnants of it are still around but underground and still burning for revenge against the Western powers – including Canada because some Canadian troops helped defeat and remove them.

A key point that many analysts overlook is that ISIS is supported financially mainly by the radical Muslim theocratic government in Iran which is literally dominated by fundamentalist Mullahs and which recently has been greatly angered by trade sanctions against them newly imposed by the Trump regime, which was seen recently in the Huawei case (in which a Chinese executive was arrested in Vancouver to potentially face charges in the U.S. that her company had knowingly and illegally provided some 5G electronic technologies to Iran, though the company may try to claim it was done unknowingly by a subsidiary).

More recently and even more notably the U.S. Trump regime has imposed tough new trade sanctions against Iranian oil exports, which sent world oil prices soaring while greatly reducing the Iranian government’s revenues.

That is a feud of truly Biblical proportions; it has triggered Iranian threats to close the Straits of Hormuz to all oil shipping, which may echo a prophecy in Hosea 12:1 about oil being carried to or through Egypt. In any case it has angered Iran’s major oil customers, most notably the Peoples Republic of China, which also is in a sort of trade war of its own with the U.S.A.

So if we ask “why now?” to the Sri Lanka attack we can say with confidence that it derives from Iranian Muslim wishes to strike back at the United States and one of the few ways it could do so was to get its surrogates in ISIS to do some bombing attacks if not against the U.S. directly then at least against one of its main allies and against Christians in general, hence the choice of Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, which formerly was called Ceylon and until 1948 was part of the British Commonwealth (thus it can still be seen as an “Israelite” outpost, since many British customs remain including the English language).

Some Muslim sources may have suggested the Sri Lanka attacks were in reprisal for the recent shootings of Muslims worshipping in Christchurch, New Zealand, but really the purpose was to send a message to the United States in particular regarding its trade sanctions against Iran and also against Trump’s recent moves to help the Jews in Israel, notably taking Israel’s side at the United Nations and elsewhere regarding letting the Jewish nation annex the disputed Golan Heights and to strengthen Israel’s borders with Syria and Palestine, which Trump unilaterally said would henceforth be solely under Jewish control and no longer be controlled by an international committee. Details of that can be found here:

Trump also has supported Israel and angered Muslims by proceeding to open a U.S. embassy in Jerusalem (relocating it from Tel Aviv), which probably helped the recent re-election of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and potentially being a key step towards beginning construction of a renewed Jewish synagogue on the Temple Mount – which if or when it happens will make many Muslim theocrats go apoplectic.

Finally, Sri Lanka probably was chosen as a target ahead of say Australia or – God forbid – Canada because Sri Lanka was known to have first a relatively weak security system plus it had a substantial population of Muslim citizens that ISIS’s jihadis could hide inside – and third: it had lots of Christian targets.

But here is the key point: the ISIS bombing attacks in Sri Lanka were really Iranian-backed and ISIS-planned reprisals against American trade sanctions versus Iran in particular and against the world’s Christian hegemony in general, though the actual bombings were done by recruited locals. And that is a strong fit to Bible prophecies, especially Ezekiel 37-38, Daniel 12 and Revelation 9.

An excellent in-depth analysis of that “clash of civilizations” recently was published by the Philadelphia Church of God’s Trumpet Brief news service and is well worth reading. A full text is included at the end of this essay or you can use this link here:  

PART #3 ...  Identities of historic nations are a key hurdle to understanding Bible prophecies

To understand who is who now in old Bible prophecies it is essential to understand how the various ethnic groups and their names have evolved over time. Here is a brief history:
The God Family created our solar system eons ago and planet Earth was created about 4.5 billion years ago; paleontologists and archeologists can trace primate life forms back to about 25 million years ago and early humanoids to about 10 million years ago but suddenly a new strain of human animals we now call homo sapiens arrived only about 300,000 years ago.

The Adamic kind of humans (Adam meaning red or pink-skinned in Hebrew )was created roughly 15,000 years ago but after about 1,000 years (Gen. 3) their offspring had turned so sinful (Gen. 6) and intermarried with non-Adamic humans that God had all but a few of them exterminated in a great flood (Gen. 7) roughly 12,000 years ago (the vestiges of which are still evident to geology scientists though the Wikipedia write-up about “Noah’s Flood” has been adulterated with a flood of anti-Christian semantics).

That literal flood probably was connected to the melting that began about 14,000 years ago of a thick sheet of ice that then covered much of North America, forming a huge lake until torrents of water spilled out through ice dams in two directions around 10,700BC, southwest through the Grand Canyon and north through what is now Lake Winnipeg and into Hudson’s Bay, thus causing a sudden rise in sea levels all over the world and probably increasing atmospheric moisture too, i.e. rain (Gen. 7:4).

“The ice sheet grew and shrank over time as Earth went through various climate cycles, and the ice was a mile thick at present-day Chicago about 20,000 years ago. It started receding substantially around 14,000 years ago when Earth slipped out of its last ice age.” - 

There were a few survivors of that flood, notably the Noah family in their ark (parts of which have been seen atop Mt. Ararat), including his three sons and their wives who founded new racial groups, but First Nations histories in British Columbia and elsewhere suggest some of their aboriginal ancestors survived the flood too – also in their boats!

 Soon a new surface of planet Earth was being repopulated (Gen. 10) but again there were behaviour problems so one relatively righteous and intelligent man – Abraham – was selected to again start anew with a new model family promised to have long and great success conditional on their behaving according to God’s Commandments (Gen. 12), and when they did Abraham and his wife Sarah were given a birthright blessing (Gen. 17, 22:17-18) and sent to colonize a new territory called Hebron and in Gen. 15:18 his descendants were given all of the land between the River of Egypt (which is a small river well north of the Nile) and the great river Euphrates – a huge tract much larger than modern-day Israel, but which territory later probably was all controlled for many years by King David and King Solomon.

Abraham’s wife Sara was aging and still had produced no children so Abraham fathered Ishmael (Gen. 25) with a servant girl but then Sara in her old age did miraculously conceive and birth Isaac (Gen. 21) so Isaac got the birthright and Ishmael and his mother were sent away and eventually became the modern-day Saudis and/or other ethnic Arabs long with a grievance at having been passed over for the birthright. (Abraham later fathered more children in Gen. 25 who were sent eastward.)

Isaac prospered after narrowly avoiding being sacrificed by his father (possibly on the hill now known as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem) in Gen. 22 and Isaac with his wife Rebekah had twin sons Esau and Jacob (Gen. 25), the latter of whom usurped the birthright (Gen. 27-28) and went on to great success as a sheep-herder, fathering 12 sons by several wives and concubines (Gen. 29-30, 46:8-24).

His name was changed to Israel in Gen. 32:28 because he was a prince who had earned power with God, and that has been a controversy in the world ever since.
Jacob’s brother Esau meanwhile prospered and also had many offspring, listed in Gen. 36, who became known as the Edomites, whose descendants also are still resident in the Middle East.

Before Jacob/Israel died he passed his birthright on to Ephraim and Manasseh, the two sons of his favourite son Joseph (Gen. 37), the one who had been abandoned in a desert by his brothers who were jealous of Joseph’s talents and visions of grandeur. Joseph nonetheless survived and rose to become governor of Egypt (Gen. 39) and there had two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen. 41:50-52).
When a famine came to Jacob/Israel’s land he took his family to Egypt where they were recognized and taken in by Joseph and then prospered (Gen. 47).

As Jacob/Israel was dying he called in Joseph and his two sons and Jacob passed his birthright blessing on to them in Gen. 48, notably saying “let my name be named on them … and let them grow into a multitude” – which did happen, literally and figuratively: they got the name plus they got blessings of wealth and power and population growth.

Jacob further noted that the descendants of the eldest son Manasseh would become a great nation but the younger son Ephraim would be even greater as a multitude or company of nations (Gen. 48:19) – which is one of the most pivotal and contentious prophecies in all of human history because the descendants in those nations now – the United States and Great Britain – were instrumental in helping the Jews return to the so-called Promised Land in 1948 and then greatly expanding its borders in the Six-Day War of 1967, and in recent weeks entrenching it even more thanks to the unilateral decision of U.S. President Donald Trump to give them the Golan Heights. Thus, the Jews of Judah are now at the centre of world affairs including the prophesied location of the great battle of Armageddon, or World War 3, described in detail in Ezek. 37, Dan 12, Revelation 16 and elsewhere.

To continue the old history, the Israelites in Egypt initially survived and soon prospered and multiplied but  in subsequent generations they were enslaved until Moses arose and with God’s help managed to take the Israelites back to Israel but only after their epic 40-year Exodus trek through the deserts of Egypt and after God helped Joshua win the battle of Jericho.

The Israelites under Joshua eventually did re-occupy the whole territory now called Israel, and more, but the nation did not stay stable for long: the people set up a kingdom and built a temple in Jerusalem but there was much sinning and soon a civil war in which the loyal tribe of Judah remained in and around Jerusalem where they had a king and a temple in a territory called Judah – hence the name Jews – while 10 other tribes separated and established a nation they called Israel, with a capital nearby at Samaria.

The Jews and other Israelites initially were peaceful towards each other, especially under the leadership of Kings David and Solomon, to whom God promised there would always be an heir on their throne, in 2 Samuel 7:16, but soon Israel and Judah were at war with each other (2 Kings 16:5) over theological and other differences and eventually the Israelites broke away, set up a new religion and were so sinful in God’s eyes that He sent in the Assyrians (2 Kings 17:23) to evict the Israelites to the Caucasus region which lies on the north side of what is today Turkey, while the Jews remained in control of Judah and Jerusalem for a few hundred years more before being conquered and evacuated to Babylon, where prophet Daniel became Prime Minister under three different regimes!

What is not widely known but which is described subtly in The Bible is that the Davidic line of Kings did not die out even though all of King Hezekiah’s sons were killed in Babylon because the prophet Jeremiah took the King’s two daughters away from Jerusalem and transplanted one in Ireland who was already married to a prince of the Israelite tribe of Dan, and thus God’s promise to David that there would always be somebody sitting on his throne was kept! That throne was turn-turn-turned through Scotland then to England where it is today. (See God promising to transplant a tender twig in Ezekiel 17:22 and Jeremiah 12:15, 18:7, 23:5 and 31:28 and then doing it in Jer. 41:10,16 then 43:6, 45:4 and 46:27.)

A key point to understand in that story is that the Jews are “Judah” in Bible prophecy and they were the ones still in the Holy Land in Jesus’s time, along with some Benjamites and temple-staffing Levites. And the Israelites are the other 10 tribes of whom Ephraim and Manasseh were dominant (beginning with each getting a double portion of land thanks to the birthright).

That is important to note today because when Jacob/Israel died he passed on that birthright only to Ephraim and Manasseh and reportedly said “Let my name be named on them” in Genesis 48:16 and told Joseph in verse 19 that the descendants of Manasseh would become a great people but the younger son Ephraim’s descendants would become “a multitude of nations”.

To cut a long story short, those two nations today are the United Kingdom and its British Commonwealth or company of nations – “Ephraim” - and the United States of America, arguably the greatest nation ever in human history – “Manasseh”. And together they are modern Israel in Bible prophecy even though the Jews are somewhat wrongly using that name now and the Jews in Bible prophecies are properly called Judah.

That complex history needs to be understood more widely nowadays in order for more people to be able to understand where humanity is in God’s Plan: not only is humanity in trouble on the edge of World War 3 but it still has some hope of being saved out of WW3 by a beneficent God IF the people were to repent towards Him – which the world might do if – IF – more people understood this story.

Interestingly neither the United States nor the United Kingdom appear by name in prophecies about the war of Armageddon though there are dozens of other prophecies about what they as Israelites would do, so it is still possible that they will stay out of the horrific battles to come in World War 3 which are pictured in considerable detail in Ezekiel 38, Daniel 12, Zechariah 14 and Revelation 16-18.
Note that the King of the North in the events leading up to that great final battle probably will be a German-led Roman-Catholic-believing army from nations remaining in the “North” Atlantic Treaty Organization (i.e. France, Spain, Austria, Italy etc.) probably without the Americans and also without the other Anglophone Israelites – especially if or after Brexit eventually happens.

Or, almost all of North America could be nuked to death too if God decides to let that happen because He feels Americans and Canadians have generally become too sinful to be worth saving, and that IS possible too because of the rapid spread of apostate lifestyles, rival religions and godless socialism in North America. And when one sees that false alarms about climate change are being used to hide the terrible truths of many such things from voters, taxpayers and other citizens then a mass nuclear decimation of North America does become a plausible possibility, as happened to Sodom and Gomorrah (the evidence of which also can be seen today by geologists).

That choice may well depend on what our citizens and their governments do now in the clock-is-ticking countdown to Armageddon, which I surmise will happen about 2,000 years or two prophetic days after Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, meaning any time from about 2028 to 2032; though no man will know the day or hour some WILL know the signs of the times (Matt. 16 and 24, John 3 etc.).

Determining an exact date of when that might happen is difficult, probably deliberately so; Herod killed babies up to age four, there was no year zero when the Romans changed the calendar, and the actual birthdate of Jesus also is unknown though theologian Joe Amaral in his book Story in the Stars plausibly uses astronomy programs and scriptural hints to deduce a birthdate of Sept. 11, 3 BC, [another “9/11”!] making Jesus a Virgo in the zodiac. But we know almost certainly He was not born on Dec. 25 because the shepherds were out in their fields that night (Luke 2:8) – very unlikely on the cold winter solstice in chilly Bethlehem –but Roman politicians chose that date around 325AD so they could shift the pagan ceremonies long held on that solstice to a new Christian-based theme.

New events re climate fit well into ancient prophecies in The Bible

The fire at Notre-Dame and the bombings in Sri Lanka can and should be seen as important new developments towards the complete fulfillment of Bible prophecies about the “time of the end” and thus more steps towards the prophesied World War 3 that is prophesied to kill two-thirds of mankind (i.e. the gentiles) and 90% per cent of the subgroup called the Israelites (who are not only the modern-day Jews but also all of the English-speaking nations led by the United Kingdom and including Canada, Australia, New Zealand and perhaps others (maybe Sri Lanka and South Africa?) and especially the United States of America.

If you doubt those kill ratios, study Isaiah 6:13, Amos 5:3 and 9:10, Ezek. 5:12, Zechariah 13:8, Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Revelation 6:8 and 9:15 (among other prophecies of Armageddon such as Rev. 16 to 18, Ezekiel 37 to 39, Daniel 12, Matthew 24 and more).

To be clear on a very important point: it is not too late for either the Anglophone Israelites and Jews to repent and become exempted from World War 3 or even for the whole world to do the same repentance and thereby avoid decimation, but whether that will happen remains to be seen.

And how do such religious conflicts relate to climate politics? If you’ve read this far you probably are well able to make your own good guesses, but I’ll give you an early clue: they all can be related to Bible prophecies, and they all involve the survival or otherwise of billions of people. So it’s not a small matter. In fact it is huge.

Interestingly in the days after Easter weekend 2019 three different Canadian federal cabinet ministers made three different comments about what is the most pressuring issue in Canada today and not one came close to mentioning a repentance towards God. They were led by Environment Minister Catherine McKenna in a TV interview claiming the most important issue is #climatechange, her over-zealousness for which has well earned her the derogatory nickname of Climate Barbie.

That was followed by Transport Minister Marc Garneau telling the West Block TV show that getting construction started on the Trans Mountain pipeline is the federal government ‘s “number one priority” though it needed an extra two months to June 18 to do more consultations with First Nations people.

My notes for the third example have been misplaced but it may have been Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland acknowledging the urgency of normalizing trade with the United States and Mexico.

Those three may seem a bit disparate but we can notice that they all involve various aspects of climate policy, and climate change is something that IS affecting the world, but is it really the most urgent threat to the survival of the human species? No. That dubious honour belongs to global nuclear war.

And it’s not only me saying that but lots of people, notably Martin Armstrong, who is arguably one of the world’s leading economic analysts and forecasters. He posted an excellent analysis with that conclusion here, claiming that climate alarm is being used as a tool to eliminate democracy:

Below is something Armstrong wrote and recently posted and then provided a link to a more detailed analysis published by the Weekend Australian in 2015:
Climate is changing and it is part of the normal cycle – not human-induced. You are actually correct that I support capitalism and freedom and am against authoritarianism and totalitarian systems. What you fail to understand is that climate change is an agenda to eliminate your freedom. The entire argument is to support a move toward an authoritarian state. You better wake up. This is not truly about the climate change, it is all about controlling society, eliminating democracy, and changing the entire economic model that changes society. There is far more at stake here than most people realize.”

Another prominent proponent of that view is Vancouver-based business commentator Michael Campbell, whose Money Talks show and weekday commentaries on CKNW frequently are critical of exaggerated climate alarms. (Hear his recent commentary about The Hypocrisy of Climate Change Signallers at https.// )

Similarly, the frequently-heard claim that 97% of climate scientists agree that global warming is a genuine threat also has proven to be bogus, as can be seen here:

PART #4 ... Ramifications for B.C. politics

So, what is to be done in #bcpoli?

As I summarized it in a recent Tweet, our collective forced fixation on #climate issues is a smoke screen  for some terrible skullduggery going on in open view in the world today, in the USA and Canada, in the European Union and the United Kingdom (e.g. #Brexit), and in dozens of hot-spots around the world (Middle East, Venezuela, Africa) and involving hundreds of dictatorships or regimes dysfunctional in other ways (e.g. Ukraine voting 73% to elect a comedian who had been playing a presidential character on a TV show – apparently because voters en masse hoped the comedian though inexperienced in politics will have enough integrity to avoid corruption!).

That little nutshell about politics in Ukraine happens to be an excellent example of how voters today all over the world are yearning to have a good honest government that can protect the world, make markets safe for businesses to operate in and to collect enough taxes to be able to deliver basic social services universally. Sadly, that is a big ask now being met by very few nations.

Interestingly, the great importance of having good honest government also is a prominent and running theme in The Bible, arguably even the central theme.
A quick search of Bible scriptures turned up these two gems:
Proverbs 11:3: The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.

 1 Timothy 2:1-4 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

There are many more scriptures about integrity and government, and Christians are urged in 1 Timothy 2: 1-3 to pray “for kings and for all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”

In other words, even people who hate Donald Trump should pray for him. But what should the citizens and voters of British Columbia do?

Certainly they/we should pray to God and ask for His guidance and protection, and they probably should go to church regularly even if it’s a church that keeps non-Biblical Sabbath and Holy Days, but really one of the most practical do-able things is to become more active in provincial politics, and national politics.

But which party should you support?

There are three parties with seats in the B.C. Legislature, about a dozen more regularly running candidates and probably about 100 others registered and able to run candidates in the next election – which could happen anytime because there is a minority NDP regime with 41 MLAs supported in a coalition by three Green MLAs in the B.C. Legislature who together have a very narrow majority over the formerly-long-governing BC Liberals with 42 seats (who are not formally affiliated with the federal Liberals), plus one Independent MLA who happens to be serving as Speaker (Darryl Plecas, who in my opinion is doing an excellent job of trying to clean up a long-dirty mess).

Presently there are no B.C. Conservative Party MLAs in the B.C. Legislature though they have had MLAs and even majority governments in the past, and they too are not affiliated formally with the federal Conservatives.

The BCCP recently appointed a new leader, Trevor Bolin, a 39-year-old Realtor and business operator in Fort St. John who has been on the local city council for several terms and who apparently wants the party to adopt a more pro-business stance, such as privatizing the automobile insurance market away from Crown-owned Insurance Corp. of B.C. and axing the carbon tax.

With conservative parties now in power in almost all of the other provinces (following their landslide win in Alberta and a recent unexpected minority win for them in Prince Edward Island) one could assume the time is ripe now for a B.C. version to rise up and shine too, but the reality is that the business and other moneyed interests in B.C. are still focussed primarily in keeping the socialist NDP out of power or now to remove them in the next election, and their preferred vehicle for doing so is still a de facto coalition against socialism in the B.C. Liberal Party even though that party after 16 years in power had acquired a terrible reputation for corruption and incompetence.

Obviously, there is a ripe opportunity for the BCCP to step up its game and be more competitive, which it could do by adopting a more creative and aggressive policy platform, but so far there has been little sign of its willingness to do so, nor even a desire.

The new leader has been in office for three weeks but still has not issued any new policy comments, other than in a very few media interviews shortly after his appointment by acclamation, and for example he and the party said nothing about the stunning victory in Alberta’s election of Premier-elect Jason Kenney and the United Conservative Party on April 16.

Is the BCCP serious about offering voters a real alternative to the corrupt Liberals, socialist NDP and impractical Greens? Or are its masters still merely trying to ensure that no other party will arise to “split the anti-NDP vote”?

If the BCCP does wish to be competitive it would be wise to seriously consider the policy issues covered in this lengthy analysis, especially dropping the nonsensical climate false-alarmism and quickly approving plans to expand the Trans Mountain and other pipelines, and more generally helping to support economic development and job creation, especially including achieving food self-sufficiency and greatly strengthening civil defense and emergency preparedness. And that could usefully include new jobs corps to protect the environment and reduce pollution.

However the experience in other jurisdictions such as Alberta and Ontario should teach BCCP masters that the time is ripe to develop a new platform that yes is more pro-business but also is “progressive” in the old Red Tory sense, in other words generating revenues well sufficient to support strong social programs, or helping businesses succeed so they can earn profits and pay more in income taxes.

Dumping ICBC in the trash heap is not a viable option but repairing it is. Voters still remember being extorted by private insurers before ICBC was created by the NDP and so if Tories want to get elected in B.C. they need to be red enough to realize that.

But there are so many others issues like that where new approaches are needed to old and continuing problems, such as in forest policy, mining, transportation, health care and yes climate change – which could and should be addressed but only in a much more pragmatic and affordable way, such as cutting but not killing the carbon tax and boosting the rebates to low-income taxpayers.

Job creation is badly needed, especially combined with better training, and more social housing is needed too, which could be combined in a new initiative that would reduce social problems and improve quality of life for many people, especially in communities like Maple Ridge and several others now plagued by street crime from homeless people.

One such idea, for example, would be to convert mega-mansions now sitting on farm land in Richmond into multi-unit housing for both farmers on smaller plots growing foods for the local market plus some social housing such as for social workers helping addicts get clean while helping with work on the farms.

Time is now to include Christian planks in party platforms

The BCCP in my opinion (and other parties) also would be wise to increase the extent of Christian values in its platform, which heretofore have been largely shunned as not politically correct – including better financial support for private schools, charter schools and maybe even for religious-based schools.

BCCP also could consider restoring parental consent before students are immersed into the “SOGI” program (which teaches liberal views on sexual orientation and gender identity). It may be acceptable to provide counselling on such topics for students who want or need it but the present practise is to do so without parental consent, which is fundamentally wrong.

I would also go so far as to suggest that labour standards laws be amended so that citizens who wished to could keep the original Sabbath and Holy Days as The Bible instructs and as now only the Jews and a few fundamentalist Christians do. It would be a welcome sign of respect towards the God of the Bible.

There of course is a lot more I could say about B.C. politics, my having been deeply immersed in it for more than 50 years, but that may come another day (e.g. reviving my idea for a new ferry crossing between Galiano Island and Vancouver International Airport – also proposed by Richmond’s Harold Steves – plus a few other such radical ideas – especially to enable bulk exports from B.C.’s huge surpluses of clean fresh water).

Meanwhile the message from the signs of the times is that the next B.C. government of no matter what partisan stripe or stripes should focus more on preparing B.C. to ride out Armageddon and do so with the intent of maximizing  the survival rate of its citizens.

Bible prophecy indicates that only 10 per cent of Israelites will survive Armageddon but if Berith-ish Columbia took steps now that survival rate could be boosted to 50 or even 100 per cent, and those steps obviously should include measures encouraging citizens to get better connected to the God of The Bible so that He will help us do that, perhaps miraculously protecting us from missiles, which would have a better chance of being done if more B.C. individuals developed a real relationship with Jesus.

Instead of kicking Christ out of the schools, He should be put back in and proudly so too.

That doesn’t mean forcing Muslim, Hindu or gay and lesbian students to pray to Him, but it does mean that students, teachers and families who want to do so, and who want their schools also to respect Bible principles – should be not only free to do so, but be encouraged to do so too.

If B.C. people want God’s protection during World War 3 they (and we) should demonstrate that they want it and deserve to get it by keeping the Commandments and the Holy Days prescribed in The Bible.

Let’s start by including voluntary Bible studies in public schools for students and parents who want it, reversing a ban on that imposed in the late 1800s. Saying a prayer each morning would be good too.

Depopulation is not an acceptable solution

Having more people in the world would be a good thing too, and God would be pleased.

In Genesis 1:28 He instructs people to “Be fruitful and multiply” because He wants (and perhaps needs) more souls willing and able to learn to live godly lifestyles and to do the right things even when no one is watching, and thus Earth is in part a training ground for members of the God kind to learn how to do righteous behaviours even when no one is watching, which is a trait they will need to be able to successfully colonize other worlds in the vast universe, which “star trek” is suggested in Hebrews 1:2 and Rev. 21:7 (“inherit all things”).

But some people now believe there are too many people in the world already and killing off what some call “useless eaters” would be beneficial to humanity overall – which for the record is a thesis I despise.

Nonetheless it was aggressively propounded by Maurice Strong, a former Canadian business mogul and political activist who became Under-Secretary General of the United Nations and founding executive director of the United Nations Environment Program, chair of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro which led to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and eventually the notorious International Panel on Climate Change, whose members knowingly diddled climate data to try to convince national governments to begin adopting draconian measures against carbon emissions.

Though human society does need better systems to manage more people and at the same time minimize pollution, killing off billions of people is not an acceptable way to do so, and probably nor is it necessary. And by the way planet Earth could still support many many more people if its governance was better managed and made to be more co-operative – possibly by removing interest charges as The Bible also instructs! (See Deuteronomy 23:19)

Still that idea of depopulation is accepted by some important people, apparently even Prince Philip, who has claimed that human population growth is the greatest threat to the world:

The idea that the rising threat of global warming such encourage politicians to deliberately reduce the human population is a Satanic deceit of ultimate proportions and should be totally rejected.

God instructed humanity to “be fruitful and multiply” in Genesis 1:28 and that instruction is still in place today.

God help us to learn better ways.

Feedback welcome to


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